Outdoors Pets and Animals

DealDash Pets: Teach Pup to Swim


If you start teaching your dog to swim now, he will be ready by summer. Read on for more information from DealDash.

Swimming can be a lot of fun, but it is also an important skill that everyone should know how to do. Not only is learning how to swim important for humans but it is also important for dogs. Many people think that all dogs can swim, but that is not always true. Here are some tips to teach your dog how to swim, from DealDash.

Check with Your Vet First

The first thing you should do is to  — Read full post


DealDash Decorates Outdoors for Christmas


If you love decorating for Christmas, then you’ll want to read this newest article from DealDash.

Christmas is one of the best times of the year. It is a time of giving and being with family members. One of the best things about Christmas is the decorations. Many people put a tree up and decorate it, but there are also some decorations that you can do outdoors.  Here are 3 Christmas decoration ideas for your front yard, from DealDash.

Christmas Lights (of course!)

Christmas lights may seem like a simple decoration, but there are a lot of lights to choose  — Read full post


DealDash Health: The Importance of Chewing


You might not think about it very much, but it’s important to chew each bite well. Here is more information from DealDash on the subject.

Chewing your food well is not only important for your eating pleasure, but also fulfills other important functions. DealDash Health is going to tell you why it’s so important to chew each bite well. Read on for fascinating information about chewing and it’s functions.

What is Chewing?

We chew in an unconscious and natural way because from a very young age we get used to chewing when there is food in our mouth. This is  — Read full post

Home Kitchen

DealDash Cooks: With a Microwave?!


Many people prefer the speed and convience of a microwave when cooking. Here are some tips to keep in mind, from DealDash.

Cooking with a microwave may not be the most healthy thing to do. However, it is very convenient.  Now many people might be conjuring up ideas of poor tasting microwave dinners when it comes to cooking with this kitchen appliance. Thankfully, you can actually whip up some tasty treats using your microwave. Here are a few things you should remember when cooking with a microwave, from DealDash.

Make Sure it Cooks Evenly

You need to make sure that  — Read full post

Kids and Parenting Lifestyle

DealDash Throws a Stress-Free Birthday Party


Throwing a birthday party can be stressful. Let DealDash help with these tips to throw a stress-free birthday party.

Parents can become really stressed when it comes to birthday parties for their kids. They, of course, want their children to have a great birthday. However, putting it all together can be really stressful. Here are a few tips to limit the stress of throwing a birthday party for your child. This way, both of you can enjoy their party. Read on for more information from DealDash.

Plan Ahead

Early planning is essential when you are thinking about your child’s birthday.  — Read full post