Lost The Auctions Did Not Get Bids Back…Why?

Hello DealDashers!  Today we are going to address another common question frequently asked by new DealDash members.

” I did not win and did not get my bids back… why?”

When bidding on DealDash, regardless of whether or not you win or lose, no one gets their bids back automatically,  so using your bids wisely is very important.  You must formulate a good strategy so you are not furiously wasting your bids.  Once you use a bid it is gone.

There is, however, one way for you to get your bids back.  If you lose the auction and you really want or need the item, and you were planning on going to a local retailer and buying it anyway, just use the “Buy It Now” option. This is easy to do – simply go to your “My Dashboard” tab located at the top right of your screen.

Then select “Bidding History” in the bar located on the left side of your screen.  Find the auction that you didn’t win that features the item you would like to buy.  Once you select the item, you will be taken back to the screen page for the auction.  Look at the bottom of the page and you will see a tab labeled “Buy It Now (dollar amount) and Get (your bids made) Back”.

Simply click on that tab and you will get a payment screen to pay for the item,  and once payment is made you will get all your bids back.  So you get both the item and the bids back that you placed in the auction.

Lets look at an example of a recent auction I lost, but decided NOT to “Buy It Now”.

If you click on this link you will see an auction for a Shell Gas Card.  I spent 160 bids.  My strategy was not very successful that day, and the item sold for $76.06.  I did not feel this was a good enough buy to purchase the item as a “Buy It Now”,  so I lost my 160 bids.  Had I wanted to make the purchase I could have just made the purchase using the “Buy It Now” option at the bottom of the page and gotten both the $100 gift card from Shell and my 160 bids back.

I hope this has illustrated for you DealDashers why you do not get your bids back, and how to use the “Buy It Now” option so that you can get both the item and your bids back to use in other auctions in the future –  so do not be afraid of the “Buy It Now” option and make it work to your advantage.

Please make sure you stop by my personal blog website for more DealDashNews and information about DealDash.  There are good stories and bidding tips and strategies that you may find useful to you on DealDash.
