Celebrate Octopus in October with DealDash

Happy World Octopus Day, October 8th!! Octopus are one of the smartest and most interesting sea creatures around. Let’s take a closer look at the octopus and a few of their closest relatives.

It’s October, the perfect time to celebrate one of the coolest creatures in the ocean—the octopus! But why stop there? Let’s shine the spotlight on squids, cuttlefish, and all their cephalopod cousins. These underwater wonders are like the superheroes of the sea, with their super smarts, shape-shifting abilities, and unique talents. This October, let’s dive into why cephalopods are truly fascinating! Read on for some interesting octopus facts from DealDash.

Octopus: The Kings and Queens of October

The octopus is the superstar of the cephalopod family. Known for their incredible intelligence, octopuses can solve puzzles, escape tanks, and even use tools! They have eight arms lined with suckers that can taste and touch, giving them an almost alien-like ability to explore their surroundings. But what really sets them apart is their camouflage skills. These creatures can instantly change their color, texture, and shape to blend in with rocks, coral, or sand. This makes them nearly invisible to predators.

Just a few fun octopus facts: Octopuses have three hearts. Two pump blood through their gills, and the third pumps it to the rest of their body. They also have nine brains. Each of their tentacles has a brain that can let it act independently, and there is another “main brain” in the mantle (head). Talk about overachievers! For more octopus anatomy facts, check out this article from the Now website.

Squids: Jet-Powered Speedy Swimmers

Squids are the sleek, fast cousins of the octopus, and they sure know how to make a quick getaway. These cephalopods use jet propulsion to zoom through the water, squirting a burst of water to propel themselves away from danger. Squids come in many sizes, from tiny species to the colossal squid, which can grow up to 50 feet long!

Just like octopuses, squids have incredible communication skills. They can change color to send messages to each other. This can be to blend into their surroundings or signal a warning. Some species can even use bioluminescence to create light! Their quick reflexes and sharp vision make them some of the best hunters in the ocean. Many people mistakenly think that squids also have eight tentacles. However, squids actually have eight arms and only two tentacles which are longer and are used to snag prey.

Cuttlefish: The Chameleons of the Sea

Cuttlefish may not get as much attention as octopuses or squids, but these little guys are equally impressive! They’re known for their vibrant color changes and wavy movements. Cuttlefish have an internal shell called a cuttlebone that helps control their buoyancy, making them experts at hovering in one place while they scan the sea for food.

These “cuttley” cuties can not only change their colors but also their patterns, allowing them to communicate or confuse predators. Some scientists believe cuttlefish are colorblind, yet they have the most complex skin in the animal kingdom. There are over one hundred species of cuttlefish, and even more are being discovered by scientists all the time.

Why We Love Cephalopods

Cephalopods are some of the most fascinating creatures on Earth, October is the perfect time to celebrate these amazing animals. There’s so much to love about them such as their playful personalities, cool camouflage, or quirky behaviors, they always keep us intrigued. They remind us of how diverse and magical the underwater world can be. Plus, October is the perfect time to share the wonder of these oceanic oddballs with kids. They’ll be mesmerized by their abilities! The octopus and cuttlefish tanks are always my family’s first stop when we go to the aquarium.

DealDash Has Items Perfect for a Beach Vacation in October

Octopus and their cephalopod cousins go hand-in-hand (or tentacle-in-tentacle!) with a beach vacation. If you are planning an upcoming vacation for February vacation or spring break, then you should check out the beach items on DealDash. You will find swim trunks and bathing suits, pop-up beach tents, and sun hats. No matter what you need for your next vacation, be sure to check DealDash first!

Thanks for Reading

So, this October, let’s celebrate the octopuses, squids, and cuttlefish! These underwater marvels never fail to amaze with their intelligence, adaptability, and sheer coolness. Have fun sharing some of these facts at your next family dinner. Who knows, you might just inspire the next marine biologist in your household! Be sure to visit DealDash when you’re planning your next vacation. You will find luggage, pop-up beach tents, Hawaiian shirts, and more up for bid. Thanks so much for reading, and happy bidding everyone!

This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. Check out Dawn and her cats on Instagram! This blog is written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice shared here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.