Become a Craftsman with DealDash
My husband recently got a Craftsman Sander and Polisher valued at 98.00 on DealDash for only $2.18 with free shipping!
He got lucky on this Craftsman and won it pretty cheap with only using 58 bids! He won this item around 6:00 AM Eastern. I’m sure this will come in handy for him because he is always working around the house or building something new! He built our 30 foot by 40 foot garage all by himself!, which is full of stuff already. He has remodeled pretty much our whole house which we have lived in it since 1990! I must say he is certainly a a jack of all traits therefore this Craftsman Sander will surely come in very hand for him.
He will use this sander and polisher for everything he can think of from woodworking to polishing furniture! I’m sure I can also find him something to use it on! We have a lot of old furniture in the garage, for my hubby is a pack rat. He doesn’t throw anything out and picks up any item someone doesn’t want! So he has all kinds of things that need restored and this sander will be perfect for that. He has collected through the years an old table and chairs and dressers. He also can use this Craftsman sander/polisher to wax our car!
We also have an aluminium roof over our porch, which we painted in the past, and the paint is peeling off of it. So this Craftsman sander will be very useful to sand the old peeling paint right off so we can paint it again! I will have to post some pictures of the projects he does with this Craftsman sander in future articles! Thank you DealDash for all the wonderful items you have on your site and offering up the possibility to get such great deals!
By Dan Boles and Donna