Big or Small… DealDash has Deals!
Hello fellow bidders. Some people feel that they are wasting their time bidding on the “small stuff.” Well, it is extremely difficult to win the big stuff…believe me, it is pure luck. Okay, so it’s luck on all of it, but the big stuff is a lot more luck. I see a lot of the same bidders on every large ticket item, including bid packs, on the page.
I’m here to tell you that a deal is a deal, no matter how big or small the item may be. I have won a lot of smaller items and only one big ticket. What a deal that was. I had wanted a really good shredder for a long time, but they are too costly. One came up on DealDash and I thought, “what the heck”. I put one bid on in the beginning and then on about my business. I came back later, thinking that it was already gone, but it was still running. I put a few bids on it, knowing I would never win it. Well, guess what? I won that shredder. Yes I did and that $269 shredder cost me a grand total of .56 cents, including final sale price and the cost of my bids. My husband thought I had flipped my cork when I started yelling “I won, I won!” This shredder is so awesome. I save paper for my Grandson to shred. He’s only 4 and loves to watch it and then run his fingers through the little tiny beads it creates. Let me see someone try to tape those together.
As I said, I have won many smaller items, e.g., rice cooker/steamer, electric cookie press, mini food processor, deep frier, $10 and $25 gift cards and a lot more. The best small item so far…the fluffy bed I won for my little dog Chloe. Of course, it has to be on the couch, and it’s too big, but she snuggles into the fluffy pillow and sticks her little nose under the edge so her eyes are covered. She is a very small Yorkie and the pillow just sort of fluffs up around her. She loves it.
Anyway, there are a lot of really great items out there to bid on that aren’t worth $1500 or the ever elusive $600 iPad. Start small and work your way up if you like. The small items add up a lot faster than the larger ones do. Some bid for the win…I bid for the deal and only because I really want the item.
Play fair, have fun and good luck.

Examples of other small great deals: