Cleaning and Organizing Home

DealDash Tips for Christmas Decoration Organization


Now is a great time to go through your Christmas decorations and get them organized for the upcoming holiday. Here are some tips and ideas from DealDash to get organized.

Everyone looks forward to the holidays. Christmas is one of the most anticipated holidays that happens every year. It is the perfect time to connect with old friends and family members. Although Christmas is fun to celebrate, preparing for Christmas can become stressful. Christmas decorations are a necessity during the holidays. Holiday decorations will help you get into the Christmas spirit. There are ways to organize your Christmas Decorations. It  — Read full post

Cleaning and Organizing Home Kitchen

DealDash’s Quick Kitchen Cleaning Tips


Not many people enjoy cleaning their kitchen. However, it must be done. Here are some quick tips from DealDash to help.

If you have a kitchen, then it needs to be cleaned regularly to keep things safe and more pleasant. Kitchen cleaning doesn’t have to take forever. If you use these quick kitchen cleaning tips from DealDash you will save time and effort. Read on for more information.

Regularly Toss Old Foods

Each week, prior to you traveling to the market, take a quick peek inside your food pantry and your fridge. Toss everything that is past its expiry date,  — Read full post

Cleaning and Organizing Home

DealDash Home: Organizing the Pantry


Every home can benefit from organization. Today we are going to talk about pantry organization. Read on for helpful information from DealDash.

Let’s get one thing straight from the beginning – you don’t need to have an actual walk-in pantry to have an organized pantry space. A small closet, kitchen cupboards, or even a free-standing storage unit or bookshelf can serve as a pantry. With that said, let’s get organized! Read on for tips, tricks, and information on pantry organization.

Where’s Your Pantry? DealDash Can Help!

As mentioned above, not everyone has a large walk-in pantry. If you have one,  — Read full post

Cleaning and Organizing Home

DealDash Home: Hanging Art and Picture Frames


DealDash has some amazing art. If you’ve recently won some, or have picture frames to hang up, you’ll want to read this article.

Nothing puts a beautiful touch on a home or office like framed art. Whether you’re creating an in-home gallery, hanging a new painting won from DealDash or getting your family portraits on display, framed art can make your home look like a decorating magazine. Read on for the best way to hang those works of art.

Step 1 – Installing the Wall Hardware

The first thing that you will need to do is install hardware on the  — Read full post

Cleaning and Organizing Fitness Health

DealDash Health: Get Healthy With Housework

DealDash cleans

Why not combine two chores into one? Here’s how you can get healthy while doing housework. Here are some ideas from DealDash.

While housework might not be people’s favorite thing to do it is actually a great way to start getting healthy. The following are some easy ways to sneak in some exercise while doing your daily household chores, from DealDash.

Bending is Exercise

Try to sneak in bending exercises wherever possible. For example, if you are picking up the laundry or a back of groceries work in a lunge or a squat. You will see some great results after  — Read full post