Fitness Health

DealDash Fitness: Create a Home Gym


There has never been a better time to have a home gym in these days of social distancing. DealDash can help.

Many states are loosening up quarantine guidelines, but staying at home is still the safest option. This is why having a home gym can be beneficial, and there are so many other reasons as well. If you are considering getting a home gym, you need to read this article from DealDash.

Safety is Number One

Most gyms are currently still closed but will be opening up in the near future. However, you should reconsider if you want to return  — Read full post

Fitness Health

DealDash: Fit Some Extra Fitness into Your Day


Since we are all home now it’s a great time to fit a little extra fitness into your day! DealDash has some ideas to get you started.

Feeling stressed about the current situation is to be expected, and when many people are stressed they turn to food (usually carbs) for comfort. If you are doing a lot of comfort eating you should look for ways to add some extra fitness into your day.  Here are a few simple ways, from DealDash.

Get a Whole Body Workout

First, fitting extra fitness into your life is a great idea – especially if  — Read full post

Fitness Health

DealDash Helps Work on Your Fitness at Home


Staying at home doesn’t mean that you have to give up on your fitness routine. You just have to adjust it. Here are some suggestions from DealDash to help.

Everyone nowadays is looking for ways in which they can improve their overall wellness and health without going to the gym or doing group activities. There are so many different things that can be done at home or outdoors by yourself to get into better shape and feel great. Here are some simple things that you can do to work on your fitness, from DealDash.

Sleep is Imperative

When we are  — Read full post

Fitness Health

Living a Healthy Lifestyle With DealDash


Even though it’s cold outside you can still keep up with your fit and healthy lifestyle. Here are some tips to stay fit from DealDash.

If you are like many people you still want to stick with your healthy lifestyle even through the winter. Here are some simple tips that can get you started in the right direction, from DealDash.

Stand More, Sit Less

You should consider doing more standing if you want to keep fit. Studies show that people who sit for long periods during the day are less fit than those that stand throughout the day. If you  — Read full post


DealDash Completes the Small Projects


Getting all of the projects around the house done can be daunting. However, DealDash has some tips to help.

We all have a bit of a honey-do list at home. Sometimes it comes from our spouse and sometimes we create it ourselves, but then push the projects off. Don’t feel bad about it, this happens to everyone. Take a little time to read this article from DealDash, and then get started!

Planning and Accountability

Holding yourself accountable is key. When I decide something needs to get done, I write it on a dry erase board hanging in my kitchen. It  — Read full post