Category: Home

My Best DealDash Win Story
My best DealDash win story was late this past spring when I won two kitchen chairs for under $9.00. I was very happy that I was able to get these exact matching chairs to replace the ones we had that were really past their safe use.
Another exciting detail about the win was that I was able to complete the entire process on my iPhone. The mobile site worked just fine and I could check in and see how the auction was going whenever I wanted and wherever I was. That day was graduation ceremony for my daughter’s boyfriend and  — Read full post

Relax with DealDash in a Cabana Banana Chair
I first starting using DealDash 4 years ago. In that time I have been able to win many items for just a fraction of the cost of retail, like a beautiful Cabana Banana Chair.
This Cabana Banana chair was one of my best wins and sits beautifully on my front porch. It is made of twisted banana leaves which gives it an elegant look while being strong and sturdy. If I remember correctly, retail for this item was around $326.00 and my winning bid was less than $50.00.
Many times I have been able to win $100.00 gift cards to  — Read full post

How to get a Deal on a Leather Ergonomic Desk Chair
Writing about my wins on DealDash.com has always been a source of pleasure for me. I bid on items I want or need around my own home or gift cards that will be used for household purchases. However, the wins I enjoy the most are for the cards or items I am planning to give away as gifts, like this Leather Ergonomic Desk Chair I recently won for my grandson.
While visiting one day at my daughter’s in late October, she told me to go look at the desk chair my youngest grandson had in his room. He uses the  — Read full post

DealDash Supplies, My Secret Habit, Hello Kitty
My best friend and I were really happy when I started winning Hello Kitty items on DealDash. Looking at me, a woman in her 30’s with two children, including a young girl, you might say “Aww that’s cute, you and your daughter are best friends and you share her hobby.” No, I am talking about my best friend that I have known for years, another woman in her 30s!
We are both Hello Kitty fanatics, and between us we have at least 100 Hello Kitty items collected since childhood. I however, am quickly surpassing her in items for our  — Read full post