DealDash Auction Advice
When I first started bidding on DealDash over a year ago I thought it was just like other penny auction sites, bid fast, bid often and win. Well DealDash does not work that way. To win an auction a bidder has to have the knowledge of who is bidding and if they have their bid buddy set. Isolate your auction by clicking on the one you are wanting to bid on, then see the avatars pop up. The more avatars there are the more bidders you will be bidding against.

Take your time to watch the auction, determine how many bids you want to bid on the auction and set your bid buddy. Stomping on other peoples’ bids or just stomping in general is not a good way to make a name for yourself. Be smart and be patient. The “Congratulations!” at the end of the auction is what we all bid for and it can be well worth the wait.
The buy it now feature is a real bonus too. I don’t think there are any other sites out there that will allow you to get your bids back when you buy it now. Just one more reason to be a “Deal Dash” bidder. Good luck and happy bidding!