DealDash Essential Tips: Prepare Your Home for Summer

Summer is headed our way, and there are some things you should be doing around the house to get prepared. Let’s make a list and get started!

The temperature is rising (it’s supposed to hit 90 in Boston this week!), and summer is on its way. It’s time to start preparing your home and yard for summer. Whether you plan to host backyard barbecues, enjoy lazy afternoons by the pool, or simply want to ensure your home is ready for the season, a little preparation can go a long way. Here are some essential tasks to help you get your house and yard summer-ready. Read on for some suggestions from DealDash to get prepared.

Let’s Spruce Up Your Outdoor Spaces

One of the most enjoyable aspects of summer is spending time outdoors. To make the most of your outdoor spaces, start by giving your yard some much-needed attention. Begin with a thorough clean-up. Begin by raking up any remaining leaves, removing dead branches, and clearing away any accumulated debris over the winter months. This will not only make your yard look tidy but also create a safer environment for outdoor activities.

Next, focus on your lawn. Mow the grass, trim the edges, and consider applying a fertilizer to encourage healthy growth. If you have any bare patches, now is a great time to reseed. Water your lawn regularly, especially during dry spells, to keep it lush and green. Don’t forget to check your sprinkler system to ensure it’s functioning properly; repair any broken heads and adjust the coverage as needed.

Finally, pay attention to your garden beds. Weed thoroughly and add a fresh layer of mulch to help retain moisture and keep weeds at bay. Plant summer flowers and vegetables to add color and life to your garden. Add some potted plants to patios and decks for an extra touch of greenery.

Get Your Home Ready for Warm Weather

As temperatures rise, it’s essential to prepare your home to keep it cool and comfortable. Start by inspecting your air conditioning system. Change the filters, clean the vents, and consider having a professional HVAC check-up to ensure it’s running efficiently. An efficient AC system not only keeps your home cool but also saves on energy bills. Check out our post DealDash Embraces Eco-Friendly Living This Spring for other tips on eco-friendly home efficiency.

Another important task is to check your windows and doors for leaks. Inspect the seals and caulking, and replace any that are worn out. This helps to keep the cool air in and the hot air out, improving the overall energy efficiency of your home. If you have ceiling fans, give them a thorough cleaning and ensure they are set to rotate counterclockwise, which helps to circulate cool air.

Don’t forget about your home’s exterior. Clean your windows inside and out to let in more natural light. Power wash your siding, deck, and driveway to remove dirt and grime accumulated over the winter. Inspect your roof for any damage or loose shingles and make necessary repairs to prevent leaks during summer storms.

Set Up for Summer Entertaining

Summer is the perfect time for outdoor gatherings with family and friends. Ensure you’re ready to entertain, by organizing your outdoor furniture. Clean your patio furniture, cushions, and umbrellas, and check for any needed repairs. Arrange seating areas to encourage conversation and relaxation.

Consider investing in some outdoor lighting to extend your gatherings into the evening. String lights, lanterns, and solar-powered path lights create a warm and inviting atmosphere. If you have a barbecue grill, give it a deep cleaning and check that it’s in good working order. Stock up on grilling essentials like propane, charcoal, and utensils.

Set up a designated area for outdoor dining to make the most of your outdoor space. A table with an umbrella can provide much-needed shade, while a portable cooler or outdoor fridge keeps drinks cold and easily accessible. Adding a few decorative touches, such as colorful tablecloths and outdoor rugs, can make your space feel even more inviting.

DealDash Has Items for Your Outdoor Space

Now that you have a better idea of how you want your outdoor space to look and function, it’s time to get some new items! DealDash has a multitude of items that will make you love your outdoor space even more. If you wanna go big, you will find patio furniture sets on DealDash. You will also find fire pit tables as well as patio umbrellas. Not only that, DealDash also has tools and supplies to make your garden look awesome!

Thanks for Reading

Preparing your home and yard for summer may seem daunting, but breaking it down into manageable steps can make the process more enjoyable. By sprucing up your outdoor spaces, getting your home ready for warm weather, and setting up for summer entertaining, you’ll be well on your way to a fun and relaxing season. So roll up your sleeves, get started on these tasks, and look forward to making the most of your summer days and nights. Be sure to visit DealDash for all of your patio, lawn, and garden needs. Thanks so much for reading, and happy bidding everyone!

This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. Check out Dawn and her cats on Instagram! This blog is written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice shared here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.