DealDash Experience: The McGans’ Unique Vision of DealDash!

As I pen this article with paint stained hands, I’m thinking that one could say Deal Dash is ahead of the pack when it comes to fair and honest auctions. I truly believe it and those words are part of their mission statement.

Their customer service team is always there to answer any questions and resolve issues quickly. And you know that they actually care and appreciate you as valued customers.

There are many popular name brand items to bid on and also unique, sometimes hand-made items from distant lands far, far away to keep it interesting. A lot of thought goes into what is presented and it shows.

I won this beautiful Cobraco 3 sided Arbor. I won it and paid just $2.45 and only used 80 bids @DealDash. It was priced at $111.00. Our yard is becoming more beautiful by the day! The birdbath was another great DealDash item.
I won this beautiful Cobraco 3 sided Arbor. I won it and paid just $2.45 and only used 80 bids @DealDash. It was priced at $111.00. Our yard is becoming more beautiful by the day! The birdbath was another great DealDash item.

So why sit there on your sofa in front of the telly, watching re-runs of “Real Housewives Of Frostbite Falls” and picking Cheetos crumbs out of your navel, when you could be on Deal Dash with people just like you, er…. you know… other people, getting great deals, enjoying the experience and having fun!

Winning is a game of chance, and you have a BETTER chance at

Best of Luck,

C. and M. Mcgan, DealDash Customers since 2013.