DealDash Prepares for Storms and Power Outages

Winter’s in full-swing, the chances of your power going out have gone up due to snow and ice on the power lines. Here are a few suggestions from DealDash help with a power outage.
As I had the displeasure of experiencing last night, power outages often happen during snowstorms. When the power goes out, especially in the cold, dark winter, it can be a very stressful time. Here are a few ways to prepare for a power outage, from DealDash.
Stock Up for Power Outages
To begin with, we should all try to be prepared for things such as power outages, blizzards, hurricanes, fires, and floods, depending on where we live. Today we are talking about simple power outages, but many of these suggestions can be applied to other weather-related situations, as well.
First, be sure that you have a flashlight for everyone in the family, and a good supply of batteries. Additionally, battery-powered lanterns have really made a difference in how my family experiences power outages. A small lantern that takes just 3 AA batteries is enough to light a small bedroom for hours.
Next, you will want to take into consideration how your home is heated. If your home is heated with oil or gas, no problem. However, if your home uses electric heat, a back-up plan is needed. A fireplace or generator is best, of course, but you can always make do with space blankets or heavy quilts.
DealDash Saves the Day
Power outages can be a little frightening, especially for kids. As an adult, the scariest part of a power outage is running out of battery power on my phone! DealDash is here to save the day with portable power banks. There are different styles, colors, and mAH. DealDash offers auctions for power banks quite often, practically daily.
MAH is the way that a power bank’s capacity is measured. Of course, many different factors can affect the amount of power you will be able to obtain out of the power bank such as temperature and the age of the power bank. The Power Bank Guide site has a great article explaining how mAH is calculated.
Food, Water, and Medical Supplies
Finally, you will need certain supplies when the power goes out for more than a couple of hours. A good supply of water is imperative, as well as any medical supplies you use daily. Also, you should keep your pantry stocked with food that doesn’t need to be heated such as power bars, peanut butter, trail mix, juice boxes, and snacks
Thanks for Reading
Power outages are no fun and can be quite stressful. These suggestions will help make everything easier because you will be prepared. These suggestions will help you stay warm, safe, and stress-free when there is a power outage. I hope that you found this DealDash article on preparing for a power outage helpful.
If you need power outage supplies such as power banks or even a generator, DealDash can help you. Get great items on DealDash to prepare yourself for anything. Have fun and happy bidding everyone!
This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. Check out Dawn and her cats on Instagram! This blog is written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice shared here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.