DealDash’s September Self-Care: Change of Seasons

September is the best time to settle into autumn and get cozy. It’s the perfect time to work on self-care.

As September rolls in, we begin to feel the first hints of fall. The days grow shorter, the air turns crisp, and nature starts its beautiful transformation. This time of year is perfect for reflecting on our self-care routines and adjusting them to match the changing season. Just as nature prepares for the cooler months, our bodies and minds can benefit from a little preparation too. With the transition from summer to fall underway, now is the time to focus on nurturing yourself and embracing the cozy, slower pace of autumn. In this blog post, DealDash explains how you can adjust your self-care routine to align with the cooler weather and shorter days.

Skincare Adjustments for Changing Seasons

The shift from the warm, humid days of summer to the cooler, drier days of fall can be tough on your skin. The lower humidity levels and brisk winds can strip moisture away, leaving your skin feeling dry and tight. To combat this, consider updating your skincare routine to include richer, more hydrating products. Swap out your lightweight summer moisturizer for a thicker cream that provides a protective barrier against the elements. Look for products that contain nourishing ingredients like hyaluronic acid, shea butter, and ceramides, which help lock in moisture and keep your skin feeling soft and smooth.

In addition to moisturizing, it’s essential to exfoliate regularly during the fall. As your skin becomes drier, dead skin cells can accumulate more quickly, leading to a dull complexion. Incorporating a gentle exfoliator into your routine once or twice a week can help remove these dead cells and promote a healthy glow. Also, don’t forget to protect your skin from the sun’s rays, even on cloudy days. Many BB creams and foundations include SPF, which is typically enough for the fall and winter as long as you aren’t spending a lot of time outdoors.

Warm, Nourishing Recipes

As the weather cools down, our bodies naturally crave warm, comforting foods. September is the perfect time to start incorporating hearty, nourishing meals into your diet that will keep you feeling warm and satisfied. Focus on recipes that use seasonal produce like squash, sweet potatoes, apples, and pears, which are delicious and packed with vitamins and nutrients.

Consider making soups and stews, which are easy to prepare and can be made in large batches, providing you with meals for several days. These dishes are perfect for cozying up on a cool evening and are often full of nutritious ingredients that support your overall well-being. Another great option is baking. Homemade bread, muffins, and pies fill your home with delightful aromas and offer a sense of warmth and comfort. September is also the perfect time to break out the slow cooker and enjoy stews, chili, and other filling dishes.

Chilly Seasons Need Cozy Indoor Activities

With cooler weather quickly making a comeback, fall is the ideal time to embrace cozy indoor activities. This shift in season provides a wonderful opportunity to slow down, unwind, and engage in hobbies that bring you joy and relaxation. Reading is a fantastic way to relax and escape into a different world. Curl up with a good book under a soft blanket, and let yourself get lost in a story.

Crafting is another excellent way to spend time indoors and create something beautiful. Whether it’s knitting a scarf, making autumn-inspired decorations, or trying your hand at painting, these activities allow you to express your creativity while staying cozy and warm. Do you like to make your friends and family Christmas gifts? Just think—you could knock out quite a few gifts if you start now!

DealDash Has Items to Create a Relaxing Environment

Your home should be a sanctuary, especially as the days grow shorter and the weather cools. To create a relaxing environment, add soft, warm textiles like plush blankets, cozy rugs, and fluffy pillows to your home. Warm, soft lighting from table lamps, string lights, and candles can enhance the cozy feel. Scented candles with autumnal fragrances like pumpkin spice, vanilla, and cinnamon add to the inviting atmosphere. Lastly, declutter your space to reduce stress and promote a sense of calm.

If creating a relaxing environment sounds awesome to you, then it’s time to visit DealDash. You will find everything listed above, such as lamps, rugs, and fluffy pillows. Additionally, you will find other items that are perfect for the fall and winter seasons, like scarves, slow cookers, and warm comforters.

Thanks for Reading

By making these adjustments to your self-care routine, you can smoothly transition into fall and embrace the changes in weather with ease. Remember that self-care is about listening to your needs and taking the time to nurture your body, mind, and spirit. As September unfolds, enjoy the cozy moments, the warmth of a good meal, and the beauty of the changing season. Your well-being deserves the same care and attention that you give to everything else in your life. When you’re ready to pick up a few new items for September, be sure to visit DealDash first. Thanks so much for reading, and happy bidding, everyone!

This sponsored DealDash blog article was written by Dawn E, a mother of 3 who loves DealDash. Dawn was compensated for writing this article. Check out Dawn and her cats on Instagram! This blog is written by real DealDash customers. The opinions and advice shared here represent our customers’ views and not those of the company.