DealDash Username

DealDash Username – What Does It Say About You?

“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” is a commonly quoted part of a dialogue in William Shakespeare‘s play Romeo and Juliet. This got me thinking about my DealDash username.

What’s Your DealDash username and what does it say about you? Is it tricky? Is it threatening? Is it cute? Or, is your DealDash username just your name spelled out a bit differently? On there are over 4,000,000 registered users all with unique DealDash usernames. Think about the different usernames we have to come up with in order to be unique or different!

Some of the usernames I have seen recently have me questioning what the motives are for the choices. When I first see the person’s username come up I always check the bio to see where they are from. The California choices are alot different than the ones from the deep South. Other names are specifically geared to all of the grandmas out there that are bidding on all kinds of items for their families and grandchildren. It is a wonder that the grandma and grandpa names are not all used up!

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The threatening names, while they might be intimidating at first, are really not indicative of the way the user actually bids. Example: Gonnabeatyou Really? In my experience bidding on DealDash I can tell you the way the person bids shows more about the person than the DealDash username ever could. When my brother was registering he made a typo which he has to live with. It’s kind of funny though and I definitely know when he is bidding since no one else has or is even close to have that spelling!

So what were you thinking when you chose your DealDash username? It’s kind of fun to look at the varieties out there and while you are waiting to get into an auction, let your imagination roll, who are my fellow bidders?

By Joan Vith

DealDash Username