How to get a Deal on a Leather Ergonomic Desk Chair
Writing about my wins on has always been a source of pleasure for me. I bid on items I want or need around my own home or gift cards that will be used for household purchases. However, the wins I enjoy the most are for the cards or items I am planning to give away as gifts, like this Leather Ergonomic Desk Chair I recently won for my grandson.
While visiting one day at my daughter’s in late October, she told me to go look at the desk chair my youngest grandson had in his room. He uses the chair not only to play video games, but also to do his homework. The chair which I had purchased for him a few years ago was coming apart. The stuffing was coming out of the seat cushion and pretty much was a disaster. I decided a new desk chair would make a great Christmas gift for him this year.
It was only a week or so later I noticed DealDash had a lot of desk chairs available for a possible deal. I decided if I wanted to get him a new chair maybe I could win one on DealDash, so when the auction came up for a Leather ergonomic desk chair with a retail value of $83, I thought this would be a good opportunity to try and win one. I had never placed bids on a chair before so I was interested to see how the game would play out. How many bidders were there? How many bidders were slapping at each other? And, who had their bid buddies set? Once I determined there were only a few serious bidders on this chair I was able to set my bid buddy and watch to see the outcome.

Within a short period of time I won the deal. Plus, DealDash was having a half-off ending price sale. So, a smart shopper is going to be watching for these kinds of deals to get an even better price on a special win. I won the leather ergonomic desk chair with 141 bids using my bid buddy. The final price I paid for the win was $2.11! And, of course, on DealDash shipping is free. What a great win for me, and my grandson is getting a new leather ergonomic desk chair for Christmas.
As a side note, my grandson comes to spend the night ever so often. While I am on DealDash watching or bidding on auctions, he is usually playing one of his Wii games. So a few weeks ago he looks over my shoulder to see what I am bidding on. This particular night there just happened to be the exact same chair I have already won up for auction and he says “Look Grandma there’s something I could really use!” Little does he know, Grandma already has it wrapped up just waiting for Christmas!