Keurig your Mornings with a Fresh Brew
One of my favorite wins from DealDash, which I use everyday, is the Keurig Coffee Maker I won!
I had previously tried a couple times to win the ever elusive Keurig, but never succeeded. One morning there was a Keurig coming up for auction and I thought to myself.. “why not?”. So I started bidding on it and decided this time I would book some bids in my bid buddy and then not watch it. I of course had my fingers crossed in hopes that I would win! So around 9:00am I came to check and to my surprise I had won it!! I was surprised because I did not think I would win but I did! I really really did!!! OMG!!! I couldn’t believe how excited I was because after all it was just a Keurig, but to me me it was so much more than that! That feeling you get when you win something is awesome!
I told everyone that would listen, that I had won this on DealDash! Not only had I won but the Keurig was 50% off so I paid $10.58 and got free shipping too. It doesn’t get any better than that! I used a total of 157 bids so it was a really good deal!
As I waited for its arrival I had purchased some K-cups in advance so I was prepared when it arrived. After it was delivered a few days later I started trying all different types of K-cups! This Keurig was definitely worth it!!

I had currently been using a great Cuisinart coffee maker that I had also won on DealDash. However, because I’m the only one in my family who drinks coffee, brewing a pot of coffee was more of a waste. Therefore, I put the Cuisinart in my travel trailer and kept the Keurig in the house. I have found that the K-cups are pretty expensive so I bought some of the reusable cups and buy my favorite coffee! Pretty inexpensive this way and an easy cup of coffee in a couple minutes is perfect especially when you are heading to work.
Thank you DealDash! Not only do I get to enjoy my coffee every morning I also have a great coffee maker that I use in my travel trailer!!! All thanks to you!!!
Bidding on dealdash = 1 happy customer!!!
Thanks again!!!