
Beautify Your Kitchen With Tonfisk Design

Is your kitchen a little dull? Does it need a little beautification? Take a peek at the Finnish company that can help, Tonfisk Design!

Translated from Swedish, Tonfisk actually means “tuna fish”, which might sound a little strange, but when you see their products you will look past the strange name and be amazed at their design.

Tonfisk Design has a lot of really cool and unique products, but I am going to tell you about possibly the most ingenious things I have ever seen – It’s called The Newton. The Newton is an incredibly smart design that holds both  — Read full post


Eliminate static with Ultrasonic Drop Shape Humidifier by Crane

These past two winters have been really difficult and the dryness in my home is visible.  Not only on the skin, face, and throat, but the static electricity could light up my electronics.  Sparks fly when I come home from work and take off my wool coat!

I have not owned a humidifier for over 10 years. I noticed while shopping this winter that there were a lot of displays set up for the Ultrasonic Humidifiers. With their unique shape and colors, you could not help but notice how different the Ultrasonic Drop Shape Humidifier was compared to the older  — Read full post

hot dog roller

Hot Dog Roller by Chef’s Basic Cooks the Perfect Dog

Maybe it’s the season, but the thought of cooking on a hot dog roller sounds really good!

Although I don’t really care for hot dogs myself, I have a son-in-law who makes the best dogs on the grill and two grandsons that practically live on hot dogs all summer long!

When I saw the Chef’s Basic hot dog roller on DealDash I knew this was something we had to try. I found some reviews from users on the Internet, and basically they all said the same thing. There was one con that kept popping up in the reviews, and that  — Read full post

Panasonic Gear

A Fun Way to Shop for Panasonic Gear

A few months ago I found an auction on DealDash for a Panasonic telephone 3-set. This set had three different handsets to be used throughout the home.

Since I have been a Panasonic telephone owner for years I was happy to see DealDash offer them for auction. While 3 handsets are more than I normally use, I thought about how convenient it would be to have a hand set nearby no matter where I am in the house so, I decided to try and win the auction. I’m glad I did because it was my lucky day and I was  — Read full post

Royal typerwriter

The Classic Royal Typewriter and New Laminator

As a kid growing up I was crazy about learning how to type. Luckily I had access to a business office and was able to hone my typing skills on the manual typewriter in the office.

Taking business classes all through school I begged for my own typewriter and received the Royal Portable Typewriter for my own use. It was manual of course and used the old-fashioned spool ribbons. This typewriter lasted me well into my early twenties.

When I researched the Royal Laminator I found up for auction on DealDash, imagine my surprise to find the Royal Consumer Information  — Read full post