Thankful for DealDash

Why I’m Thankful and Grateful for DealDash

I have been a bidder on for over two years. I have won over 200 auctions and have earned many free bids as I worked through the different levels of bidding and being the top bidder – for that I am thankful.

While there is no set reason for a person to become a bidder on a penny auction site such as DealDash, I have found delight in this entertainment shopping. The bidding has helped me accumulate gift cards, gifts and possessions I would never have been able to afford on my own.

I first began bidding on other  — Read full post


Try Stress Free Sleep Shopping This Holiday Season

This holiday season how would you like to do all of your gift shopping in the middle of the night? Getting a good nights sleep will help you keep your figure, concentrate better, and you’ll have better sex. Have you ever heard of sleep shopping?

Sleep shopping is something I do and I love the benefits of a good night’s sleep and of course the no stress, no crowds shopping. I’m a planner and try hard to do my homework for whatever it is I’m partaking in. One of my sleep shopping experiences was when I was looking for a  — Read full post

Free Bidding Lessons
Bidding Tips Uncategorized

Five Bidding Lessons I Learned On  

Since I started shopping on, I’ve learned some important bidding lessons that I wish someone had shared with me when I was a new bidder on the site.

Here are five of the most important bidding lessons I have learned so far:

  1. Only bid in auctions if the product is something you would go to a store to buy. It is so exciting and fun to bid on that it is very easy to get carried away and start bidding on items that you do not really need and will not use.
  2. Before bidding, watch and learn who
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window shopping pays off on DealDash
Bidding Tips Uncategorized

Window Shopping and Discovering New Unique Gift Ideas

Have you ever gone “window shopping” ? Whenever I do, I usually come home with stuff that I really didn’t need but thought would be nice to have.

My favorite place to do window shopping is on DealDash! I love to do window shopping on DealDash because there are so many up-coming auctions, over 1,000 per day, and I discover so many unique items and get wonderful gift ideas!

One day I was just sitting there browsing the auctions, also known as window shopping, on DealDash when I noticed a silk ficus tree was starting soon. I haven’t had one  — Read full post

Track DealDash Bidding History

Track Your Bidding History and Progress

When you joined DealDash did you ever think that you would have bid on so many auctions that you would lose track of them? I love that DealDash tracks and keeps records your history.

Having a dashboard to track my history is something that has helped me become better a bidder and one of the reasons I’ve been a loyal shopper on DealDash for more than 2 years. The fun and excitement of getting a tremendous deal or simply using the Buy it Now (BIN) option to get my bids back makes the entire shopping experience very fulfilling. Not to  — Read full post