ladies mountain bike
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How DealDash is Helping my Weight Loss Goal

So after a very long year of winning for everyone else I decided to attempt to win something for myself. Not very often do I even try to win for myself but this was different, I have a weight loss goal.

During 2015 I’ve made a weight loss goal to drop 10 pounds. As this thought comes to mind I just so happened to see a awesome mountain bike coming up on DealDash and thought to my self….. what the heck!!! If it is meant to be, it will be!

This bike is awesome and a great push for both
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DealDash Reviews

Filling Christmas Gift Requests, 1 Auction at a Time

Knowing that DealDash offers a huge array of items to bid on, I began to listen, or pay attention to what items my family mentioned in passing that they would like to have. I knew with Christmas fast approaching, I would need to make a mental list of what they wanted and who wanted it. If I could win these items on DealDash, I could afford to accommodate their desires, without them knowing. It would certainly make for a wonderful Christmas surprize. In our family we have a $20.00 to $25.00 dollar limit, but I knew I could hold that  — Read full post

DealDash Baby Shower Gifts

My DealDash Baby Shower

As I was sitting at my computer, bidding on a baby shower gift for a coworker, my daughter informed me she would be having a baby shower for one of her friends. Since her budget was slim {TO NONE}, she asked me if I could try to win her some baby gifts to give her friend. Of course I could ! Since Dealdash allows you to search by Categories { dropdown arrow to the right of Browse Categories, under the Dealdash Banner}, I went right to the Toys, Kids & Baby Category to begin my search.

I scoured the pages  — Read full post

Donate and bless others
Bidding Tips Home Uncategorized

Donate and Give Blessings

Now that the Christmas shopping season has come and gone, what do we need DealDash for? My advice is to get deals all year round, don’t be that last minute shopper, and donate to bless others.

Last year I was actually done with all of the stress of Christmas shopping by July. I don’t know of many folks that could say they were done with all of there Christmas shopping by July, but I was. This made this past Christmas so much fun because I had so many extra winnings I could not give them all to my kids. I
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Printer Deal on DealDash

Best Deal Win Stories by Heada68

The best deal I received from Deal Dash was when I won a Epson printer valued at $140.00 for just $0.07!

I also won a $60.00 crock pot 3-in-1 for on $0.04 which was a great hit when I used it at my wedding! I was able to brag that I only paid 4 cents for it and when my friends and family asked how, I was able to recommend them to Deal Dash. Plus everything comes with free shipping too!

Another “best deal” I got on DealDash was for a $100.00 gift card from Home Depot plus an additional  — Read full post