who plays on DealDash?
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Who’s Bidding On DealDash?

Ever wonder who is bidding on DealDash? Ever wonder who these people really are ?

I’ve noticed there are many grandmas bidding on DealDash! Do you think that you might make friends with some of the bidders in real life? I notice that at different times of the day you’ll find different types of people bidding on Deal Dash.

Early in the morning are the people who need a few minutes to themselves before they go to work. I’d say there are also a few moms that have sent the kids off to school. Mid-day there are the stay at  — Read full post

DealDash Thriller
Bidding Tips Home Review

Shopping on DealDash is a Thriller

I was thinking about the ABC’s of bidding and the 1,2,3’s of what not to do when bidding and shopping to see if I could educate the new bidder a little better.

For some reason Michael Jackson’s song came to mind. The “A” stands for Auctions, the “B” stands for Bids, and the “C” stands for Cost. When shopping on DealDash bidders have so many auctions to select from that a new bidder should have no problem deciding which one to get started with. The Bids come in packages from 200 to over 1,000. Buying bids on sale is really  — Read full post

bidding recommendations and tips

DealDash Bidding Recommendations and Tips

I have had a wonderful time over the last year bidding on Deal Dash to improve my home with items I love, without always having to pay the full retail price.

I have won over 100 auctions and used the Buy it Now option to get other items I was not successful winning. I have reached over 30 levels bidding and I am well on my way to receiving more free bids for reaching the next level. Shopping on DealDash can be a lot of fun, but just like anything – moderation is important. This is what I consider to  — Read full post

character traits

3 Character Traits of DealDash.com Winners

As you’ve probably noticed there are many people who play on DealDash.com. All with different and interesting character traits displayed in their bidder bios.

One bidder bio might say, “All it takes is patience. Patience is the key!”. Another might say, “All it takes is persistence and I am very persistent.”. Reading these remarks in the bidder bios of DealDash.com customers made me think about some of the character traits the most successful customers might display, so I made a short list:

  1. Curiosity—A little curiosity can go a long way. Curious people often ask more questions, get more answers
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Share DealDash with your Friends

Surprise your Friends with DealDash

Have you told your friends and family about DealDash and to give it a try?

Over the last few months I have told my friends about DealDash. I have three of my friends who decided to give DealDash a try after hearing about the great experience I was having and so far they think it’s been great! They really like it and have been having a lot of fun shopping for their friends and family too. I regularly get phone calls and messages from one of them telling me about the new winnings or sales going on. It’s a great
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