DealDash Win Limits
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DealDash’s Weekly Winning Limits

I have started to earn my six wins per week on DealDash pretty often which causes me some angst.

While I am not complaining about the six wins (they have been coming at a relatively low cost :)), I seem to go through this bidding withdrawal! I am wondering if I should try for the higher priced items or should I go to the other sites I occasionally bid on. So, I decide to try for the higher priced items and quite often get KO’ed.

I ponder the idea of bidding on other sites and return to one of my  — Read full post

giftcard deals on
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Save With Gift Cards On Deal Dash

giftcard deals on

The story starts… a long long time ago…Ok not really just 1 1/2 years ago I started bidding on Deal Dash.

Could it be possible for everyday working people to find some deals every now and then?  Step up to the plate people we now have Deal Dash!  Starting with less expensive items then working my way up I was bidding on everyday items and gift cards.
Here’s a way to do it.  Want to go to dinner but don’t really want to spend $50.00?  Bid on a gift card and save some money.  I have won gift cards for
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DealDash Review Auction Win
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Another Hole In One On DealDash

DealDash Review Auction Win

I have been trying for some time now to win a complete set of golf clubs for my husband, having previously won a golf bag, a putter, and a pitching wedge, all for a total of $2.00 and a Golf GPS for $1.79. I admit I have tried numerous times to win a set of clubs, but always end up bowing out or quitting. This time I decided I was in it to win it!

It took way longer than I was expecting, as I traded bids with several different bidders as they popped in and out of the auction.  — Read full post

DealDash ABC's Basics of How works
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Michael Jackson and Bidding on DealDash

I was thinking about the ABC’s of bidding and the 1,2,3’s of what not to do when bidding to see if I could educate the new bidder a little better. For some reason Michael Jackson’s song came to mind.

The “A” stands for Auctions, the “B” stands for Bids, and the “C” stands for Cost. DealDash has so many auctions to select from that a new bidder should have no problem deciding which one to get started with. The Bids come in packages from 200 to over 1,000. Buying bids on sale is really the only way to go. With  — Read full post

steam clean dealdash
Home Review

So Fresh And So Clean Deals On DealDash

Having three daughters in the house, there was always one of them dressing up from time to time and as usual, a dress needing to be pressed.

steam clean dealdashWhether it be a dance or a meeting, a wrinkled dress was a definite no-no. Now that my youngest was in college, and in a Sorority, she was always wearing a dress.

As I was scrolling through the available auctions on DealDash, I spotted the Hamilton Beach – 90 Minute Fabric Steamer in the color Silver/Black . It seemed like it would be the perfect answer to our needs. I decided to plug  — Read full post