DealDash Reviews and Giving

Giving DealDash Auction Wins To Homeless Shelter

DealDash Reviews and Giving

My sister recently got a part-time job at a homeless shelter. She is 62 years old and cannot make it just on Social Security. Surviving on a fixed income in Massachusetts is very challenging unless you have a rich relative!

I especially became interested in what it was really like in a shelter after my sister started working there. I also asked myself, “How much more stuff do my children and granddaughter really need?” Besides my health, what do I really need? My thoughts went straight to Deal Dash. Maybe, a new toaster, dishes, silverware, and clothes are desperately needed.
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Free DealDash Bids Win More Auctions

Win Auctions Collect Free DealDash Bids

Free DealDash Bids Win More Auctions

Deal Dash does a lot to help the player win. They have great promotions you can participate in each week to get some free bids. All you have to do is be willing to participate.

You will notice every month they throw a promotion for three times your bids, or five times your bids. This promotion will help you get the time needed to jump up to the next level. Every level you go up the more free bids you can get. Right now I am very close to getting to level 19, which means 150 free bids for completing  — Read full post

DealDash agressive bidding strategy
Bidding Tips Home

Aggressive Bidding Strategy On DealDash

DealDash agressive bidding strategy

My best penny auction and bidding advice is to be responsible and don’t spend more than you have. So I was on the other day and decided to try my hand at bidding aggressively. Not my usual style but thought that I would give it a try since we see so many people out there who bid this way.

At first, I was conservative, which was my usual approach and then I started to bid aggressively. I was putting all my bids in one basket and said “All or nothing”! I have to admit I had a big rush  — Read full post

DealDash Penny Auction Deals
Home Weighs in TOPS with Me

Several of my best friends and I are all active members of a weight loss group – Take Off Pounds Sensibly. The president of our TOPS chapter suggested that we each get a good bathroom scale to keep track of our weight, as well as a kitchen food scale to monitor our food portions. I knew it could cost plenty to purchase those scales. Therefore, I was thrilled to see that offered both kinds of scales, and they are high-quality ones, too!

First I bid on and won an Eat Smart Precision Get Fit Digital Body Fat Scale that  — Read full post

Review Uncategorized

Hot Deals Cooking On DealDash

I think DealDash is all about opportunity. An opportunity to get some great deals, an opportunity to shop at all hours, an opportunity to save gas by shopping on your computer at home, and an opportunity for second chances.

In the past, I have unsuccessfully bid on cookware. I lost those auctions for various reasons, and believing that everything happens for a reason, after I got over the loss, I decided to try one more time. This time I was successful.

I won this $143.00 T-Fal 18-piece Nonstick Inside and Out Cookware Set. There were 22 other bidders participating  — Read full post