DealDash Buy it Now
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Knowing When To Use DealDash’s Buy It Now Option

DealDash Buy it Now

Have you ever become carried away bidding on an item that you wanted on and had the “I’m going to win this attitude come over you?”

I have. I was obsessed that I wasn’t watching how many bids I was using and then I noticed that I had spent 74 bids and the item was only $11.99 and the bidding continued.
After I did the math of how much the bids had cost which was $13.32 on an 18 count  Keurig Telly’s Hawaiian Blend K-Cups coffee I was very surprised that I had invested that much money in bids
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dealdash customer reviews
Bidding Tips Home

What Motivates Someone To Bid On DealDash?

Being “Grandma” to two grandsons, I have always been challenged with what I could give them that they would truly appreciate and/or use? I happened to come across iTunes cards on DealDash and thought I don’t know what you would want those for, but I bet my grandson might have a use for it. So, I started bidding on iTunes cards and won them fairly easily. I got some great deals on the iTunes cards and collected them long enough to be able to give him one or two when he made good grades or accomplished something wonderful on the  — Read full post

DealDash Tips and Customer Reviews
Bidding Tips Home Review

DealDash And Sweet Baby Joy

DealDash Tips and Customer Reviews

Hello DealDash Auction Friends: I want to let you know about a must win battle I had on the DealDash Auction site.

It was in for an item called Sweet JOJO Crib Bedding Set. I am what you would call an old timer; a bidder since 2010 on DealDash Auction Site. I am a very conservative bidder. I am reserved with my bids and set a limit and keep to it with whatever I am willing to bid on any one item. However, the day I won my Sweet JOJO Crib Bedding Set the battle was on. I was  — Read full post

DealDash reviews and tips
Bidding Tips Home Review

My Unexpected DealDash Win

DealDash reviews and tips

I know there have been several posting’s on the merits of single bidding on Sometimes this is a good method however I’ve found most of the time it does not work.

During the generous ‘Free’ weekend from Deal Dash, a $50 WalMart gift card came up for auction. Experience has shown me that these are hard to win, however I thought I would give it a try. The auction opened and I placed 1 bid planning to wait out the flurry of bidding that occurs when most auctions open. I watched and noticed that one bidder was jumping on  — Read full post

DealDash Winner

Differences In Bidding On DealDash And Other Penny Auction Sites

I have been a bidder at DealDash since September 2012. I have won over three hundred auctions and just lately have been able to get my 6-win limit for several weeks in a row. While I may sound like an experienced bidder, I believe there is always something new to learn about bidding on

I started bidding on DealDash and made lots of mistakes. I did NOT read all the articles and advice about bidding, I mean how hard can bidding be? You buy bids, you push the button, you wait til the last second, you bid again, you  — Read full post