Bidding Tips Home

Knowing “When” To Concede And Playing Fair On DealDash

As Christmas fast approaches, a lot of bidders are competing for the items you want to see UPS dropping off at YOUR doorstep this season. But, the simple truth is “You can’t win em all” as the saying goes. I recently was bidding on DealDash for a computer that I would have loved to win as a Christmas gift for my son. I had been bidding with three other bidders for hours and finally it was down to three of us. The other two had been in even longer than I had and were more invested. I then made the  — Read full post


DealDash No Jumper Auctions – a very good thing

Deal Dash has a rule called “No Jumper” and what that means is that no one can enter a bid after the item reaches the $5.00 mark (or sometimes they run specials where it is $1.00 or $2.00 etc.) thus ensuring only those who were there in the beginning can bid on the item. This is a great rule as it would be a shame if people had invested hundreds of dollars in bids and then someone comes in at the last moment to win who may not have been even a registered bidder when the item came up for  — Read full post


Earn Free Bids on DealDash

Did you know you can earn free bids on in several ways? Being a price conscious person who buys on sale, with coupons and any other discounts I can tack on, I always look for ways to maximize my out of pocket. That’s why I love DealDash’s options of getting free bids. The first way is to let the clock run while in an auction. The longer you are the top bidder, the more time you accumulate and that eventually gets you a predetermined amount of free bids added to your existing bids. No purchase necessary! That is why  — Read full post


The Advantages of using your Bid Buddy on DealDash

When I started on DealDash over a year ago, I admit I was flying by the seat of my pants ! I see alot of that going on today, only this time , it’s not me. It never fails that I will get into an auction where I have set my bid buddy and in jumps a bidder who thinks they have to bid one second after your bid posts. Those bidders are usually “newbies” and haven’t learned the advantages of setting their bid buddy.

Just because you set your bid buddy, doesn’t mean you are not watching the bid  — Read full post

Bidding Tips Home

Simple Keys to Bidding Success on DealDash

DealDash is awesome!!! I have won lots of things through this site. Here are a few quick tips to successful bidding…

1. Use bid buddy – this is the number 1 key to bidding success on DealDash. Most auctions are won with the bid buddy.

2. Watch and learn who is bidding. If there are more than 2 people bidding on an auction, stop bidding, conserve your bids and wait until only 2 people are bidding before starting to bid again. This way you save your bids.

3. Don’t bid immediately after every person. Most are sitting on bid buddy  — Read full post