I first starting using DealDash 4 years ago. In that time I have been able to win many items for just a fraction of the cost of retail, like a beautiful Cabana Banana Chair.
This Cabana Banana chair was one of my best wins and sits beautifully on my front porch. It is made of twisted banana leaves which gives it an elegant look while being strong and sturdy. If I remember correctly, retail for this item was around $326.00 and my winning bid was less than $50.00.

Many times I have been able to win $100.00 gift cards to my favorite restaurants and stores during “free” days where I ended up paying only the $0.01 processing fee for my item plus any bids I used. Since I have become disabled and I am house bound, I have done most of my shopping through the internet. The Amazon gift cards I received from DealDash has allowed me to purchase so many different things from bulk groceries, music, movies, books, gifts for the holidays, medical care items, as well as some clothing items and accessories. However, for most groceries, I make out my list for the person who helps me and give her a WalMart gift card. This takes care of my purchases without having to keep cash on hand. I have also given her Subway and other restaurant gift cards to pick up meals for me as a treat.
I would not be able to afford some of the things I have without shopping on Deal Dash! Just be sure to use your bids wisely. Learn the patterns of how Deal Dash works. Stock up on bids when the price drops, which is usually a few days before a Free of 50% sale. Use the Bid Buddy once you have determined how much you are willing to pay in bids for the item, plus the winning cost. Also make use of the times when the free bid rewards for collecting time counts 3 to 5 times as usual. Its amazing how quickly time will be used up and extra free bids will be earned. Deal Dash has made so many things in my life better and easier to accomplish!
Thank you for reading my story.