Secret to Winning Auctions on DealDash
As my husbands asks from across the room… “Are you on DealDash again?”. Yes, of course! I have a secret to winning auctions and patience patience patience is one of them honey!
That’s right, I have a secret to winning auctions on DealDash and patience is one of them. I will share a few others with you in this blog article. Before I jump right into it, I’ll tell you a bit about myself. First of all, I’ve been shopping on DealDash for over two years now so I’ve had my share of bidding experiences and over the course of these two years I’ve been able to gather what I like to call a secret to winning. I do have a regular job working many hours per week however I’m afforded the luxury of working for a while, breaking a while, back to work and so forth. Fortunately DealDash offers auctions 24 hours per day so I’m able to play at anytime. If you’re just getting stated with DealDash, one thing to keep in mind when joining an auction is to make sure you bid in the auction before the price reaches the $5.00 No Jumper limit.
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DealDash also provides a ton of information for you to study which will help give you the best chance at winning and understanding how the auctions work so be sure to take the time and research how to play. For example here’s one article found on the Official DealDash Blog titled: Looking for the Best Time to Bid? Asking These Questions May Help. I could say that simply reading the bidding tips in the blogs about DealDash is a secret to winning auctions.
In my personal experience I find certain bidders are only on at certain times of the day while some people only bid on certain items and others bid on just about everything they can. A secret to winning auctions is to study the habits and the amounts certain bidders are willing to bid. Although bidders may sometimes change their bidding strategies to appear unpredictable, most of the time they fall back to the same bidding patterns.
Another secret to winning auctions on DealDash is to check the average selling price for an item. There’s a couple ways to do this. 1). Log out of your account and visit the particular auction. 2.) Open a new browser window and look at the auction – this prevents you from having to logout of your current browser and log back in. Here’s an article about how look up the average selling price of an item. Knowing the average selling price is a secret to winning auctions because it will give you a good idea as to when you should join the auction and increase your chances of winning.
The blog articles about DealDash post all of this information for you to read and study. Be sure to read the tactics and tips page found on which will also give you some good bidding guidance.
What’s your secret to winning auctions?