Simple Keys to Bidding Success on DealDash

DealDash is awesome!!! I have won lots of things through this site. Here are a few quick tips to successful bidding…

1. Use bid buddy – this is the number 1 key to bidding success on DealDash. Most auctions are won with the bid buddy.

2. Watch and learn who is bidding. If there are more than 2 people bidding on an auction, stop bidding, conserve your bids and wait until only 2 people are bidding before starting to bid again. This way you save your bids.

3. Don’t bid immediately after every person. Most are sitting on bid buddy and you will never out bid them this way.

4. Stay away from bid packs! They will get you in trouble and the buy it now price 60¢ per bid. You’re better off buying bids when DealDash has them on sale at 18¢, 17¢, 16¢ or 15¢!

5. Have fun and good luck 🙂

DealDash Bidding Success


Written by Nicole Kososki