Experience DealDash Oscar Wilde
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Learn To Play DealDash With Informed Bidding Decisions

I’m usually the good guy, women, or person, but tonight I want to talk about how people play on DealDash. How can we focus on playing our own game…win or lose? How can we prevent being effected by the way others choose to play their game?

Providing helpful tips and explaining the games strategy are wonderful, but what I’ve found is we can’t tell others how to play. What we can do is focus on what works good for us and pass those tips and strategies forward to others. Perhaps they will listen and implement some of the strategies we  — Read full post

Deal Flash Dash
Bidding Tips Home

Deal Flash: A Picture’s Worth……$500.00

Deal Flash Dash

As soon as I discovered that DealDash rewards bidders for posting pictures, I did whatever I could to acquire free bids by posting pictures to the DealDash Facebook page, or to my Pinterest profile and tagging DealDash.

I was making sure I got a picture with every item I won.  I had also read that they pick one photo each week, that has been posted to the Facebook page, as their “Best Photo of the Week” and reward them with a $500.00 gift card, letting them chose from 4 or 5 retailers of choice. I signed onto  — Read full post