
DealDash Uses Time Wisely

DealDash use time wisely be productive

Like many people I struggle with using my time wisely, so I have collected a few tricks to help keep me on track.

As someone who is fortunate enough to be able to work from home, I need to be sure that I get all of my work done and not get distracted by things at home. These productivity tips and tricks from DealDash should work for you no matter where you work or what your tasks are.

Make a list. I love lists! You can make your list on your phone or tablet with a list-making app, make a  — Read full post


Fun Indoor Kid’s Activities from DealDash


Now that winter is upon us, most people have an innate desire to stay indoors. Kids tend to get bored with the same old activities, so here are some new ideas from DealDash to keep things fresh and fun.

Kids have so many more things to do indoors now than when I was a kid. When I was a kid, there were network TV cartoons on the weekend, Legos, and Barbies. Kids of today have practically unlimited games on their iPads, millions of YouTube videos to watch, and cartoons “on demand” through the cable provider. However, as soon as the  — Read full post


DealDash Talks: Rescued Pets

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If you’re thinking of getting a new pet, please consider getting a rescued pet instead of purchasing one. It’s the kinder solution.

When you are preparing to get a new pet there are various places to get them – online, the newspaper, a pet store, a rescue group, a friend, or an animal shelter. All of these are viable options, of course, but the kindest thing that you could do is adopt a homeless pet from a shelter or rescue group.

If you’re wondering why you should adopt a rescued pet instead of buying one from the pet store, the  — Read full post


DealDash Makes: Beauty Bath Bombs

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Many women and children (and even some men!) love to take a relaxing bath before bed. Homemade bath bombs can make your bath extra luxurious.

Bath bombs are very easy to make, the ingredients are relatively inexpensive, and you can make them tailored to your own scent preference. Not only that, you can even make them into fun shapes for your children or to give as gifts. Don’t pay those outrageous mall specialty store prices, make your own! Once you have the basic recipe you can include any sort of color, scent, or shape that you like. This is also  — Read full post


DealDash Visits LegoLand

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There are various LegoLand attractions around the country, and they are all extremely fun to visit. Let’s take a look at what sorts of things that you might see if you were to visit.

Most kids from age 5-15 love Legos, and some kids keep on loving Legos up through adulthood. If you think that playing with Legos at home, or even going to the Lego store at the mall is fun, going to any one of the LegoLand attractions would be the ultimate experience.

There are two main LegoLand attractions in the US, and those are in California in  — Read full post