Birthday DealDash
Bidding Tips Home Review Video

Making a Birthday Great with DealDash

Birthday DealDash

My daughter’s 3rd birthday is coming up in September, and since I am extremely frugal I like to plan (and shop!) ahead on DealDash so I can get the best bargains.

After thinking for a while on what might be the best gift for her, I decided to get her a LeapPad2 Explorer tablet. I saw them come up occasionally on, and after price-checking around various stores such as Target they seemed to range in price from $69-$89, depending on if you got just the tablet or if you got the accessory kit to go with it.

Imagine my  — Read full post

DealDash Christmas Santa
Bidding Tips Home Review

Getting Deal Dashing For Christmas Gifts

DealDash Christmas Santa

Don’t wait 3 weeks before Christmas to start your gift shopping Start NOW!!!

Yes you will need a place to store all of your winnings between now and Christmas but, why wait??? Last year I did all of my Christmas shopping for under $500 on and my kids got everything they wanted. Video games for my younger ones and kitchen appliances for my older son. They woke up Christmas morning and Santa really came!!! My kids knew there was no way Mommy could buy all of that stuff, it had to be Santa (or DealDash) LOL!. 🙂

I have  — Read full post

DealDash Customer Support
Bidding Tips Home Review

Why DealDash Customer Service Is The Best

DealDash Customer Support

After reviews of customer service, the DealDash customer support service is the best and so helpful.

They apologize and sympathize when needed,  they listen, allow the customer to talk, and promise a solution to your questions and concerns. I have had great success with DealDash Customer service on my concerns. If the person you are working with doesn’t know the answer, they will find the right answer for you no matter how silly the question might be.

They sent an email to tell me I had won the Best Photo of the Week contests and won a $500.00 gift card  — Read full post

DealDash Bio

Review of Revealing DealDash Bios

I just finished reading some bios on the DealDash auction page. It really isn’t that late at night so I was curious to ask, “What do bidders hope to gain with the bio’s they write?”

I have seen some advertisements as bios, the bidder has a home business and put up their web address on their bio. I suppose they were thinking they would get some additional business from bidders.

DealDash Bidder Bio

Then, I have seen some bios that I would consider threatening. “Go ahead, waste your bids, I don’t give up.” And, of course you know they do. Or, they say  — Read full post

DealDash Math Infograph
Bidding Tips Review Uncategorized

A Review of DealDash with Infographic

I don’t know about you, but my family of 4 goes through essential everyday household items like dish detergent, laundry gel, and trash bags like crazy! Since this eats up a lot of the household budget, there’s less money left for fun, like taking my kids to see the newest movies.

I like to maximize my household budget using DealDash to Win or BIN to get these essential everyday items. Everyone loves to WIN, but even if you have to end up Buying It Now it’s still not a loss, because you will get every single bid that you placed  — Read full post