Pets and Animals

DealDash Pets: Giving Puppy a Bath


Smell that? I think puppy needs a bath. Here are some tips from DealDash to help.

Taking your puppy to the groomer’s seems like an easy way to give your puppy a bath. However, this is not always the case. Most puppies do not like loud noises or a lot of people around.  Your puppy is small, so it is easier to give your puppy a bath at home. Here are some tips to give your puppy the proper bath, from DealDash.

Put Together All of Your Materials

In order to give your puppy a bath, you have to gather  — Read full post


DealDash Skin Care: Vitamin C

Every so often a new trend comes around in skin care. Right now the “it” trend for skin is products with Vitamin C. It’s delicious and nutritious for your skin.

Spa Sonic Skin Care Face and Body Polisher 7-Piece Kit, Pink

“Anti-aging” “Lightening” “Brightening” these are just a few of the claims associated with using skin care products with Vitamin C in them. How true are these claims? Let’s take a closer look and see.

Vitamin C’s skin benefits are mostly due to its benefits in supporting healthy collagen. Collagen works closely with elastin to support the skin. In layman’s terms, it comprises the framework that provides form, firmness, and strength to  — Read full post