Color Love KitchenAid DealDash
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DealDash ‘One-Per-User’ Auctions Explained

Color Love KitchenAid DealDash

Deal Dash offers many high value items that are marked ‘One-Per-User’. This is to be sure that all of us have an opportunity to win something of significance.

However, as I discovered myself and reading comments from others, this does not always hold true due to item specific details which technically make the same item… different.

For example: If the same item comes up for auction with the same description but color is the different, then it is considered a new item and you can bid again even if you already won this item. Say you win a Kitchen Aid  — Read full post

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4 Smart Bidding Tips For Beginners

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You joined Deal Dash, bought bids and are ready to go, Whoa…wait a minute.

Have you bid before? If not here are four Deal Dash bidding tips to keep in mind.

Bidding Tip Number One: Watch Before Bidding

Watch a few auctions before you join in the bidding. See how different bidders play, when they bid, how frequent they bid. You will need to figure out your own strategy once you start however watching the auctions before bidding is important.

Bidding Tip Number Two: Start Bidding On Small Items First

I would suggest you start with a small value item,  — Read full post