Olympic Medalist Dara Torres training in Coral Springs, Fla.
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Learn To Swim Before Diving In

Olympic Medalist Dara Torres training in Coral Springs, Fla.

When entering a swimming pool, some people prefer to dive right in, while others like to ease in slowly. Assuming we already know how to swim, either approach is perfectly acceptable. But, what if we haven’t bothered to learn how to swim? Which would be the wiser approach?

The same holds true for entering a penny auction for the first time.  Unfortunately, many new bidders dive right in before taking the time to learn anything about how penny auctions work. The sad thing is that many of these new bidders end up “drowning”.  The good news is “drowning” here only  — Read full post

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Simple And Useful Auction Observations

DealDash Auctions Explained

Have you really looked at all the information on the auction screen?

Here is what you will find and why it’s important.

1. A listing of the 9 most current bids, this shows you the time the bid was placed, who did the bidding and what the item cost is currently.

2. You will see the amount of time between bids, this helps determine if you want to join in the bidding. If you see that time between bids is a second or two you might want to wait.

3. You also see information on the current bidder such as  — Read full post

DealDash Universe
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Anatomy Of An Auction

DealDash Universe

The word anatomy is defined as “the study of the body plan of animals” so you may be wondering why I’ve chosen to use it to describe an auction.

The reason is that I view an auction as a “living” thing.  Each auction has it’s own individual “personality” based upon the various bidders involved.  Every auction is unique, but watch enough auctions and you will notice that most auctions follow a certain pattern.

When an auction begins, it typically goes through a stage which is a bit like throwing a piece of raw meat into a cage filled with hungry

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