Kids and Parenting Wellness

DealDash Kids: Tips to Make the Most of the School Year


By this time your child should have already started school or will be starting next week. Here are some tips to help them make the most of the school year.

It’s important for kids of all ages to have a great school year. However, sometimes it is very difficult for younger kids to have a great school year. These kids are complete “newbies” at knowing what to expect from school. Here are some tips to help younger kids get settled and more familiar with what they should do to help themselves have a fun and educational school year. Read on  — Read full post

Crafts and Sewing Kids and Parenting

DealDash Kids: Toddler and Preschooler Crafts


Little kids ages 2-5 like doing crafts just like their parents and bigger siblings. Here are some of the easiest crafts for little kids, from DealDash.

Doing crafts with small kids is a fun and straightforward way for them to be able to express their creativity. While they might not have an exact picture in mind of what they want to create, they have an awful lot of fun with the creative process. Here are some crafts you won’t want to miss that you can do with little kids.

Fun With Yarn Painting

Yarn painting is a super simple and  — Read full post

Kids and Parenting Wellness

DealDash Kid: Teach Them to Be Grateful


Being grateful is a wonderful trait to have. Teaching your kids to be grateful is a wonderful gift that you can give them. Read on for more information from DealDash.

With as fast-paced and often harsh as the world can be it is more important than ever to teach your kids to appreciate everything in life. This is no matter how big or small. Teaching your kids to be grateful at a young age is something that they can carry over into adulthood. It can even make them a much happier person. Here are some ways to teach your kids  — Read full post


DealDash Kids: Why is Reading Important?


With all of the fun video games and electronics, reading can sometimes take a backseat for kid’s attention. Here is why reading is important, from DealDash.

When it comes to useful skills to teach your kids, reading should be at the top of the list. Reading opens up a world of benefits for kids, so it is something that should not be forgotten about. The following are some great reasons why reading is so critical for your kids, even though there are lots of other fun things to do. Read on for more information from DealDash.

Enrich Their Imagination

Reading  — Read full post

Kids and Parenting Kitchen

DealDash Kids: Why They Need a Home-Packed Lunch


Your kids might ask to buy lunch at school, but sending them with a home-packed lunch is much better. Here are the reasons why, from DealDash.

Now that kids are starting or soon to starting back to school soon you need to start thinking about school lunches. There really are some nice advantages of packing a school lunch for your child including some of the following reasons, from DealDash.

Save (Lots) of Money

Packing your child’s lunch can end up saving you money. School lunches can get to be expensive especially if you have more than one child in school.  — Read full post