
Last minute Xmas Gifts

Are you one of those individuals that do their Xmas buying all year long and have all of your gifts wrapped and prepared to offer by late October? If so, this short article is not for you. DealDash had this written for the other 98 % of people who are hysterically running around Xmas Eve evening trying to find something (anything!) that will make a half decent gift concept, this post is for YOU.


These days, although some of us are merely procrastinators, the majority of us are just as well darn active to consider Xmas shopping. When we ultimately  — Read full post

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Christmas Holiday Shopping Break Over | My Bidding Strategy

animated movies Now that the Christmas Holiday has passed, it is time to slow down and take a break from shopping on DealDash…..OK break over!

I am already starting to bid for next years Christmas gifts. I got such a late start bidding on last years Christmas, I fell short of what I wanted to win so when I saw the Philips Portable DVD Player with 9-inch Display coming up for auction, I knew my 5 year old grandson would love watching his favorite animated movies. He has quite a collection of DVD’s at his disposal and this would be great for  — Read full post