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DealDash Kids: Affordable and Fun Christmas Activities


If your kids get a Christmas break from school, they are going to be bored. Here are a few fun and affordable ideas for activities, from DealDash.

Christmas is the perfect time to spend with your family, and especially with your kids. They will most likely be out of school for Christmas break, and you have an opportunity to create new memories. There is nothing like starting new traditions for Christmas. Christmas is a time where kids can enjoy themselves during their school break. Here are 3 fun and affordable Christmas activities for kids, from DealDash.

Holiday Lights

When you  — Read full post


DealDash Gift Suggestions for Your Co-Workers


With the holidays coming you might be attending a holiday party at work. This usually includes a gift exchange. Here are some great ideas from DealDash to get a great gift your co-worker will love!

The holidays are a time for giving, and sometimes you may want to give gifts to your co-workers. It can be tough when you are trying to figure out what type of gift to get your business partner or co-worker. Luckily there are some gifts that are good that you can give your co-workers to show that you appreciate them. Here are some suggestions from  — Read full post


DealDash Tricks for Presents on a Budget


With holidays of all types coming up – Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Christmas, you will need to buy gifts. Here are some tricks from DealDash to get presents on a budget.

There are millions of dollars spent on holiday presents every year. Studies have shown that most people are in a financial bind after Christmas. It is okay to give your family and friends nice presents, but you don’t have to put a hole in your wallet. Sticking to a budget when buying presents will help you stay within your limit. You can still buy memorable gifts on a budget.  — Read full post

Cooking Lifestyle

DealDash Helps You Throw a Memorable Holiday Party


Holiday party season is coming up! Here are some ideas from DealDash to help you throw a memorable Christmas party.

Christmas is a wonderful holiday to spend time with friends and family. Throwing a Christmas party is one of the best ways to bring your loved ones together. Planning a Christmas party can seem stressful. You have to manage and coordinate the event. Throwing a Christmas party does not have to be stressful. There are some tips and tricks that can help you throw a memorable Christmas party, from DealDash.

Plan Your Party Early

The best thing to do when  — Read full post

Kids and Parenting Lifestyle

DealDash Helps Celebrate Baby’s First Christmas


If you celebrate Christmas, then the first Christmas with your little one is very special. Here are some things to help make wonderful memories for you and baby, from DealDash.

A baby’s first Christmas is a special time. It is a time to celebrate your new baby and introduce them to Christmas at a young age. There are many ways to celebrate a baby’s first Christmas. It is important to make this holiday season festive for your little one. Here are some ways to celebrate a baby’s first Christmas. Read on for more information from DealDash.

Start a Tradition

A  — Read full post