Cooking Kitchen

DealDash Cooks: Tips to Make Great Cookies


With all of the different holidays coming up, it’s time to make some cookies. Read on for more information from DealDash.

Making a fresh batch of cookies really is one of the simple pleasures in life. Unfortunately for many, their cookies do not turn out the way that they had hoped they would. Here are some tips for making sure that the cookies that you bake turn out great each time, from DealDash.

Check the Recipe

The first thing you need to do is read over your recipe. You need to make sure that you have everything that you need  — Read full post


DealDash Decorates Outdoors for Christmas


If you love decorating for Christmas, then you’ll want to read this newest article from DealDash.

Christmas is one of the best times of the year. It is a time of giving and being with family members. One of the best things about Christmas is the decorations. Many people put a tree up and decorate it, but there are also some decorations that you can do outdoors.  Here are 3 Christmas decoration ideas for your front yard, from DealDash.

Christmas Lights (of course!)

Christmas lights may seem like a simple decoration, but there are a lot of lights to choose  — Read full post


Here’s a Fun Winter Craft from DealDash!

DealDash Mason Jar Snowglobe

Happy Christmas Eve friends! Here is a fun mason jar snow globe craft from DealDash that you can do over the weekend.

What says “winter” to you? If you asked my daughter, she would say “Snow globes!!” She collects them and has loved them ever since she was a 2-year-old. This is a fun craft that you can do to pass the time over the weekend. If you have the supplies handy it would be a great craft to do if you have any children visiting you for the holidays.



  • A mason jar (You can get these at
 — Read full post

Count Our Blessings with DealDash

Image result for count your blessings

While we are still feeling the holiday spirit, let’s count our blessings with DealDash and be thankful for the good things in life.

There’s a little less than two short weeks until Christmas is here, and three until the New Year. This is the perfect time to count out blessings with DealDash and be thankful for the good things in life.

No matter who you are, where you live, and what your lifestyle entails – we all have something good going on in our lives. Everyone’s life, wants, and needs are different, some of have many blessings and some of  — Read full post


DealDash Presents: Christmas Memories


What’s your favorite Christmas memory? Today we will explore Christmases gone by with DealDash.

Everyone (who celebrates) has a favorite Christmas memory. My personal favorite is from when I was about 4 years old. On Christmas Eve my parents told me that my Dad was going over to see some other family and wouldn’t be back that night. My mom and I stayed up “really late” to try to catch a glimpse of Santa. Looking back, it was probably only 10 o’clock or so, but to my 4-year-old self, it felt like the dead of night. We hear something at  — Read full post