
DealDash Keeps Pets Safe


Like many Americans, you probably have some sort of pet, be it a kitty, dog, bunny, or reptile. DealDash wants to help you keep your pets safe over the holidays.

December is here and the Christmas season is in full swing, from the music on the radio, to the decorations, to the baking, and the present wrapping. Which one of these activities doesn’t match the other? The music! Do you know why? Because all of the other activities can be harmful to pets. Let’s go through the other activities, and I will explain why they can be harmful to pets,  — Read full post


DealDash’s Online Shopping Ideas

Image result for online shoppingOf course DealDash would like you to come check out the auctions for this holiday shopping season, but they realize you will be shopping on multiple websites. Here are some online shopping hints for the season.

DealDash get it. DealDash understands that as much as you like their online auctions, you will be shopping in multiple places online and in store this year for Christmas. When you need something, check DealDash first, because you might be able to get a great deal – but if DealDash isn’t offering the particular item that you are looking for this year, here are  — Read full post


DealDash’s Fun Fall Essentials

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Fall is definitely my favorite season, and there are certain things that are especially great in fall. Here are some fall essentials that you should be without!

There’s a crisp fall smell in the air, a combination of fireplace smoke, the last lawn mowing of the year, and apple cider donuts. I love fall! Living in New England I also get the special treat of seeing the beautiful autumn leaves change color, but the things on this fall essentials list can be enjoyed by most anyone. No, I’m not talking about yard waste bags and rakes! These are fun fall  — Read full post


DealDash Thinks About Presents

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Even though it’s not even Halloween yet Christmas decorations are already decorating the shelves of the local stores. I guess it’s not to early to start thinking about Christmas presents…

Do you have any idea yet what you are planning to get for your kids, your mom, your friend? Well, if you start shopping (and winning!) now on DealDash you will be able to get everyone taken care of, presents wrapped, and ready to go before Christmas is here. And when you think about it like that, it’s actually a present to yourself! Shopping early means no waiting in long  — Read full post


Start Planning for Christmas Early with DealDash

Xmas suggestions for presents could vary from house decoration to electronic gizmos, fashion jewelry, dresses and also much more. Whatever your decide, DealDash wants to throw some ideas your way because presents develop the integral part of Xmas parties. It is throughout this everybody, starting from young to old wait eagerly for presents. Christmas concepts for gifts can vary from residence decoration to electronic devices, jewelry, dresses as well as much more. The whole globe becomes absorbed in picking the most effective presents for their loved ones. You can have a look at the adhering to Christmas suggestions for gifts. — Read full post