Cleaning and Organizing Home

Tips for House Cleaning From DealDash


Wouldn’t it be nice to have a house cleaner? With these tips from DealDash, you won’t even need one!

Many people are looking for tips to clean their home more efficiently. They want to find the most helpful tips so that they can get their home looking the best that it possibly can. Here are a few tips that can get you started getting your home looking great. Read on for more information from DealDash.

Get Some Help

Firstly, you need to get everyone living in your home to get involved with the house cleaning. You will find that things  — Read full post


DealDash Helps Create a Calm Office Space


Do you want to feel happier at more calm at work? If so, then read this article from DealDash.

Going to work can sometimes be stressful. However, if you can manage to turn your personal office space or cubicle into a place that you feel relaxed then your happiness and your productivity will increase. A stark environment with bare white walls does nothing to calm you or make you feel at ease. Try some of these tips from DealDash to improve your office life by creating a calming office space.

Plants, Plants Everywhere

There is nothing more calming or stress-reducing  — Read full post


DealDash Asks Questions Before Organizing


Here are some things that you should ask yourself before organizing your home. Read on for tips from DealDash.

When you are looking to organize your home you really need to start with a plan. Of course, you could just jump in and get started, doing things here and there with no plan. However, you are not likely to get much done at all. Answer these four questions before you organize your home and you will be able to come up with a solid plan to get things done, with a little help from DealDash.

Why Do You Want to

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DealDash’s Interesting Uses for Toothpaste


Other than cleaning your teeth, toothpaste has many uses. Read on for some interesting ways to use toothpaste, from DealDash.

Of course you brush your teeth with toothpaste, but there are dozens and dozens of other uses for the minty paste. Keep in mind that the uses that I am going to mention down below don’t need to be done with expensive toothpaste. Save the $5 per tube toothpaste for your teeth, and get the generic $1 type for these other uses. Some of these uses only take a small amount of toothpaste. You can use up that travel-sized toothpaste  — Read full post


DealDash: 10 Quick Tips to Home Organization


Hate clutter? Here are 10 quick tips to get your home organized, from DealDash.

Keeping your home organized can be a daunting task, especially if you have children. It does however not need to be this way. With these ten tips you will have your home organized in no time at all. Read on for more information, from DealDash.

1- Start Small

Starting small is definitely the way to go as if you try to do everything all at once you are going to get overwhelmed and get nothing done.

2- Make a Plan

Assess the situation so that you  — Read full post