
DealDash Helps: Use Natural Cleaners

Do you have allergies, sensitive skin, or small kids in your house? If so, it might be a smart idea to use natural cleaning products in your home instead of chemical-based cleaners.

It’s easy to understand that usingĀ natural or plant-based products can contribute to healthy living, but it can be a little confusing when you first get started. This blog article will introduce you to some of the easiest and best natural cleaning products out there.

White vinegarĀ 

White vinegar is awesome for cleaning, disinfecting, and deodorizing many different surfaces. I personally use a spray bottle of straight white  — Read full post


DealDash Cleans Up Your Carpet

Aren’t carpet stains the worst? Well, DealDash is here to help you with some tips to get the stains out.

Picture it, you’re having a party, the snacks and drinks are flowing freely, and you hear “Oops!! My wine!” You inwardly sigh and go get paper towels to at least do a little damage control. The next day you see what an awful stain it really is, and you wonder how you will ever get that stain out.

Or perhaps parties aren’t your thing. Maybe you have your grandchildren over for a visit while their parents are busy. You decide  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Clean Your Fridge

What’s something that really needs to be done at least every six months that everyone dreads? Let DealDash show you a quick and easy way to clean your fridge.

Cleaning the fridge is an important part of home maintenance. Having a clean fridge helps keep food fresher and helps keep foods that absorb odors as odorless as possible. No, just sticking a box of baking soda in the fridge doesn’t count as cleaning it. But keep that box of baking soda handy, you can put it in the fridge after it’s been cleaned and sanitized. Here is a quick step-by-step  — Read full post


DealDash Demystifies Laundry

Are you a laundry expert? As the person responsible for the laundry of 5 people on a daily basis I have to be an expert!

Here are a few tips and tricks about doing laundry that I have learned throughout the years. Some are common sense, but others might surprise you. Read on…

Towels – Towels are a tricky piece of laundry. The first thing that I ever learned about washing towels is only wash towels with other towels. If you wash your towels with your other laundry you are asking for a linty mess. Other than the lint,  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Clean Your HE Washer

Most people have changed over to HE (high efficiency) washing machines. They need to be cleaned differently than a regular washer.

HE washing machines are prone to growing mold and mildew because instead of leaving the lid up like you might do with a classic top loading washer most people just shut the door of the HE washer. Some people do this because they don’t realize that mold and mildew can grow in their washer easily, or some people might close the door because they keep their washer in a closet and the closet door won’t shut when the washer’s  — Read full post