
DealDash – Simple Ways to Update Your Wardrobe

dealdash wardrobe update

Spring is almost here, and it’s the perfect time to update your wardrobe. Here are some tips and ideas from DealDash to get you started.

Updating your wardrobe doesn’t have to be a huge expense. A few little additions here and there can go a long way. Now that you’re updating your wardrobe it’s also an excellent time to get rid of old clothing that you’re not wearing anymore as well. There’s nothing like a little Spring cleaning in your closet to freshen up your wardrobe. Here are some top tips and ideas from DealDash for updating your wardrobe.

dealdash pantoneUpdate

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DealDash Advises on Laundry Stain Removal

DEALDASH laundry stain removal

Washing your clothing is easy, but what about when there’s a tough stain? Here are some suggestions and tips for laundry stain removal from DealDash.

It’s happened to the best of us – you’re out to dinner and you get a drop of red wine, sauce, or other food stain on your brand new light-colored shirt. Or perhaps it wasn’t you, but one of your kids spilling something on your outfit when you’re out in public. You attempt to rub it off with a napkin, but it only gets worse. You aren’t headed back home for hours, are you doomed  — Read full post


DealDash Saves Your Sweaters

DealDash Saves SweatersEveryone who has accidentally ruined a sweater, raise your hand…I admit it, I have ruined quite a few sweaters before I learned how to care for them properly. Let DealDash help you save your sweaters.

If you’re wondering how to properly care for your sweaters, you’re in the right place. Now that we are in the cold wintry January weather I bet most of you have brought out your sweaters and are wearing them frequently. Sweaters are great! They are warm, cozy, comfortable, stylish, but also difficult to clean without ruining them. Here is a quick primer from DealDash on  — Read full post


DealDash’s Fun Fall Essentials

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Fall is definitely my favorite season, and there are certain things that are especially great in fall. Here are some fall essentials that you should be without!

There’s a crisp fall smell in the air, a combination of fireplace smoke, the last lawn mowing of the year, and apple cider donuts. I love fall! Living in New England I also get the special treat of seeing the beautiful autumn leaves change color, but the things on this fall essentials list can be enjoyed by most anyone. No, I’m not talking about yard waste bags and rakes! These are fun fall  — Read full post


DealDash Cleans Out Those Closets

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You should be cleaning out your closets twice per year – once in the spring, and once in the fall. The fall is upon us, let’s clean!

It’s easy to let your closet get away from you, especially if you are a big shopper, like myself. If you are reading the DealDash entertainment shopping blog, then I am going to assume that you are a big shopper as well. I find myself picking up new clothing items for myself or my children on a weekly basis, I am a sucker for a great deal, and I will often buy things  — Read full post