
DealDash’s Fun Ideas for the Weekend


Hello, weekend! It’s Saturday morning, do you have anything fun planned? If not, read on for some tips and ideas from DealDash.

What’s your favorite thing to do on weekends? Typically my family does something with the kids in the afternoon, then we go out to dinner at night. It’s fun for them, and it’s fun for me because I don’t have to cook and clean up two days per week! There are still a few weekends left before my kids go back to school, so we are going to pack in some fun activities. If you need some suggestions  — Read full post


DealDash Crafts: Paint a T-Shirt


June is the season for crafting a painted t-shirt. Graduation and Father’s Day are both excellent occasions. Here are some ideas and tips from DealDash.

There are lots of reasons that you might want to custom paint your own t-shirt, graduation and Father’s Day are only two examples. T-shirt painting is a great way to turn a plain t-shirt into something creative and unique. There are a few different ways of painting t-shirts, from free-handing to using stencils to spray painting! Here are some suggestions.

Prepare Your Canvas and Work Area

After buying your plain shirt be sure to wash  — Read full post


DealDash and the Festive Smell

Image result for simmer pot ingredientsNo matter what kind of house you live in, I bet you want it to smell yummy. Here is a guide on fall simmer pots from DealDash.

I don’t know about you, but I end up cleaning my house myself most of the time, and one of the things that I like to do is make the air smell yummy and clean.  I have found quite a few handy tips and tricks through the years to make the house smell good – from chemicals to candles to natural methods. Here are a few helpful hints from DealDash.

Around this  — Read full post


DealDash Does Nail Art

Image result for nail art

Nail art is a fun hobby that you can pick up easily and inexpensively. Give it a try!

I would like to start off saying that I am in no way an expert in nail art – As a woman in her mid-30’s I have been painting my nails for 20 years or so, but only got into nail art in the past few years. There are some amazing nail artists out there, but it takes time and patience to make real works of art on your nails. With that said, you can have a lot of fun playing around  — Read full post


DealDash Crafts: Crayon Art

Image result for crayon melted art ideas

Melted crayon art is beautiful and fun to make. Here’s how…

Making craft projects is what keeps life exciting, and melted crayon art is very easy to do, doesn’t require many materials, and can produce a finished project in less than an hour. What’s not to like?

My daughter brought home a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch at her school, and I was instructed that we needed to decorate it in a non-scary way and return it to school in a few days. Since we needed to transport it back to school I figured that carving probably wasn’t the best  — Read full post