Crafts and Sewing Fitness Lifestyle

More DealDash Resolution Ideas for the New Year


Making a New Year’s resolution is a smart idea. Even if you only stick to it for a few months that is still progress. Here are some ideas from DealDash for some resolutions to consider.

The new year is coming, and it is time to do something different with your life. Many people make New Year’s resolutions to change the course of their year. Some people don’t know what type of resolutions to make for the New Years Day resolution. Sticking to a New Year’s resolution can be difficult, but with determination, you can meet your goals. Here are three  — Read full post

Cleaning and Organizing Home Lifestyle

Happy New Year From DealDash!


Happy New Year 2019 everyone! How are you going to make this a great new year? Here are some ideas from DealDash.

Every new year is time to get a fresh start! Even if your 2018 was great, things can always be better. You can make very small changes to keep your home and family in tip-top condition for 2019. Keep your new year running smoothly with these tips and tricks.

Get a Planner – and Use it!

Almost everyone has a smartphone nowadays, and they always have calendars. However, having a paper planner can make your life easier, and  — Read full post

Budget/Frugal Lifestyle

DealDash New Year’s Money Saving Challenges


A great resolution to have for the new year is to save more money. DealDash has some great money saving challenges for you to try. Read on for more information.

The New Years is approaching and it is a time when everyone is making New Year’s resolutions. A lot of people want to lose weight, get a dream job, or change their lives in a dramatic way. One of the best New Year’s resolutions to make is saving more money. Saving money is important especially since you probably spent a lot of money on Christmas presents. Here are some easy  — Read full post

Lifestyle Pets and Animals

DealDash Pets: Choosing a Great Dog Food



Choosing a great dog food is important for your pup’s health. Here are some tips from DealDash to help you choose a yummy and healthy food for your best friend.

It’s easy to pick up a bag of dog food. Individuals often simply pick the first canine food bag they see at the store. It’s easy to neglect the value of pet dog food but it is vital to choose the right one for your canine. Here are some tips from DealDash to ensure that you pick the best food for your pup.

Food and Water are the Basics

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Lifestyle Seasonal and Holiday

Need a Last-Minute Gift? Check DealDash!


Christmas is almost here! If you need a last-minute idea, here are some DIY ideas from DealDash.

When you make a Handmade gift, it has a personal touch to it. Christmas is a time when people spend a lot of money on gifts for their family and friends. If you do not want to spend a lot of money on Christmas gifts, you can always make gifts for your loved ones. There are a lot of DIY Christmas gifts that you can do that has a special meaning to them. Here are a few DIY Christmas gift ideas, from DealDash. — Read full post