penny auctions dealdash
Bidding Tips Home Review

The Real Point Of Penny Auctions And DealDash

penny auctions dealdash

Bidding on low value items is something I really enjoy. I started bidding on DealDash a year or two ago and saw some high value items selling for pennies on the dollar and thought to myself, “Wow, Christmas has come early!”

So I started bidding on them only to realize through losing many bids in very little time that I should let others bid the price up and jump in later in the auction. After a few missed opportunities, I decided another tactic and that was looking at the lower valued items because they seemed to end quicker and were  — Read full post

Bidding Tips Home

Experience Of A New DealDash Bidder


I’m a fairly new bidder on DealDash and this is my first experience with penny auctions.

After registering in December 2013 I began bidding immediately! I actually thought that I was going to be a winner immediately as well and I must say I lost all my bids. This was due to the fact that I didn’t try to educate myself about the auctions or read any of the reviews from experienced members like what you’ll find here in this customer driven blogging website DealDash is reviewed by real customers with real stories. If you’re in the same situation and  — Read full post