
DealDash Helps You Reduce Blood Sugar


Reducing your blood sugar is good for your health, especially if you are diabetic or pre-diabetic. Here are some tips from DealDash to consider…

Firstly, if you suspect that you might have diabetes, please get yourself to the doctor right away. It is possible to reverse its effects if it is caught in time, so please don’t delay. Next, if you have already been to the doctor and just need some tips on reducing your blood sugar, then this is the article that you need to read. Let DealDash give you some ideas to reduce your blood sugar.

Cut the

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DealDash Talks Fiber


Adults and children alike all need fiber. DealDash wants to know – are you getting enough fiber in your diet?

Most people know that fiber is an essential part of a healthy diet. It improves your digestion, boosts your immune system, and can also help lower bad cholesterol. These things are all great for a healthy body and mind. Did you know that the recommended daily intake for dietary fiber is 25 grams per day for women and 38 grams per day for men? This doesn’t really seem like an extraordinary amount of fiber, however, only about 5% of Americans  — Read full post


DealDash Helps You Eat Low Carb

DealDash Low Carb

Dieting is hard, there are so many different varieties that you can try. Let DealDash show you Low Carb.

Low carb, of course, means low carbohydrate. You might be extremely surprised to find out how many carbs are in the food that you’re eating. Starting on a low-carb diet may seem like an impossibly complicated task, and there are very few foods that are almost completely low carb, such as meats, cheeses, and eggs. However, if you are determined to forge ahead into a low carb lifestyle, here are some tips and suggestions from DealDash.

Why Low Carb?

If  — Read full post


DealDash Helps: Tiny Calorie Swaps

Most of us Americans could stand to lose a few pounds. Here are some handy tips on how to reduce your calories by making tiny lifestyle changes.

Are you a little overweight? Could you stand to lose just a few pounds? I know I could! Here are a few of the sneaky little ways that I have discovered to cut a few calories here and there throughout the day. If you save 10 calories here, and 20 calories there it doesn’t take long to add up to a fairly significant savings by the end of the day.

Swap your plate.  — Read full post