
DealDash Fun Winter Facts

DealDash winter facts

Love it or hate it, winter is an interesting season. Here are some fun facts about winter from DealDash.

Are you the sort of person that embraces the winter season? Do you love to get into your winter gear and go frolic in the snow? Or are you the sort of person who would rather huddle under the covers and wait for winter to end? No matter if winter is your most or least favorite season, here are some fun winter facts from DealDash.

Huge Snowflakes, Huge Snowmen

According to the Guinness World Records, on January 28, 1887, a  — Read full post


DealDash Presents Fun Animal Facts

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From Aardvark to Zebra animals are a very important part of our world.

There are so many different types, sizes, and shapes of animals on our green Earth. Here are some fun and interesting animal facts for you to enjoy. Memorize some, and quiz your friends!

Dolphins may speak in squeals and squeaks rather than human words, but they actually have names for each other. The Cetacean Hearing and Telemetry (CHAT) is a dolphin-English translator that can be used to convert the “dolphin talk” into English.

Cows are extremely sensitive beings. Not only do they have best friends, they also  — Read full post