Kids and Parenting Lifestyle

DealDash Plans a Fun Kid’s Get Together


With Spring on its way, it would be fun to have a get together for your kids and their friends. Here are some tips to have fun and stay on budget, from DealDash.

Planning a child’s birthday party can be very exciting yet very expensive at the same time.  So what you do when you want to plan a party and don’t have a lot of money to do so?  Here are several tips for planning a fantastic birthday for your child on a budget.

Where Are You Getting Together?

You want to look for a cheap place to gather  — Read full post

Lifestyle Wellness

Unwinding After a Tough Day, with DealDash


Everyone has a tough day sometimes. Here are some tips from DealDash to help you unwind and relax.

It’s a fact – no one can have a great day every single day. However, more important than your bad day is how you react to it. There is a huge difference between going home and moping about your bad day, or going home and perking yourself up. Follow these tips from DealDash and you’ll be improving your day in no time flat!

Take Some Time for Your Hobby

First, what’s your hobby? Is it reading, writing, video games, reading, cooking, bidding  — Read full post


Setting New Goals with DealDash


How are your New Year’s resolutions working out? How about setting some new goals? Read on for more information from DealDash.

Here it is, the end of January. If you have been able to keep up with your resolutions, great! However, for the rest of us who fell off of the resolution wagon about a week into January, maybe it’s time to set some new goals. Here are some tips and tricks from DealDash to help you along the way.

Choose a Goal

First, if you’re ready to set some new goals for yourself, then it’s time to get planning.  — Read full post

Kids and Parenting Lifestyle

DealDash Plans a Baby Shower

DealDashBaby showers are fun but they can be a lot of work. Let DealDash help you plan the party.

Throwing a baby shower is one of the most exciting events that you can plan. Baby showers are typically thrown by family members, friends, or even the mommy-to-be’s spouse. Although baby showers are a lot of fun, you should always make sure that you are prepared for a baby shower. There are some things that you should do to prepare for the big day, from DealDash.

Choose a Date and Time

It is important to figure out the date and time  — Read full post

Kids and Parenting Lifestyle

DealDash Kids: Sign Them Up for Art Class


Most kids love drawing and coloring. Why not sign them up for an art class. Here are some tips from DealDash.

With art classes seemingly disappearing from schools, parents should be looking into the benefits that it can offer. You will find that there are many benefits that your child can take advantage of when it comes to taking an art class including some of the following ideas from DealDash.

Problem-Solving Skills

Your child will problem-solving skills when they are able to take art classes.  They will learn different ways to take care of issues that they might have while  — Read full post