Cooking Uncategorized

DealDash Kitchen: Crock-Pot Meals

Crock-Pot Cook and Travel Programmable Slow Cooker

It might not feel like it now, but colder weather is coming. Pull out your Crock-Pot and start thinking about all of the great Fall meals you can make in it.

A Crock-Pot is without a doubt one of the most essential things your kitchen should have. Many people do not realize how versatile this piece of cooking equipment can be.  There are many benefits that you can get from using a Crock-Pot including some of the following, from DealDash.

Save Tons of Time

You will save a lot of time cooking with a Crock-Pot. All you need to do  — Read full post

Fitness Health

DealDash Helps: Stay Fit With Minimal Effort


You don’t need to work out for hours per day to be fit. DealDash has some tips to help you stay fit with minimal effort.

Too many people feel that they do not have enough time to get fit. Or perhaps they feel like it is too difficult of a task to undertake. Here are several things that you can do to get and keep yourself fit without a great deal of effort. Read on for more information from DealDash.

Take a Walk

Going for a walk is something that does not require a great deal of effort to do  — Read full post

Cooking Kitchen

DealDash Cooks: The Benefit of Home-Cooked Meals


There are many advantages to cooking your meals at home instead of eating at restaurants. Here are a few, from DealDash.

Everyone seems to be in a hurry these days. From work to school and other activities it can seem like life just doesn’t slow down. This feeling doesn’t leave a lot of room for making a home-cooked meal. Here are some of the benefits of taking the time to make a meal from scratch, from DealDash.

Think of Your Health

It is much healthier to cook from scratch. You will be avoiding processed foods and will be in complete  — Read full post

Health Wellness

DealDash Beauty: Natural Ways to Deal with Acne


Among skin conditions, acne is very common. In this article you will find tips from DealDash to help combat acne, naturally.

Acne is an issue that bothers kids, teens, and adults alike. It can range from mild to severe and can end up causing a great deal of unfortunate stress on a person. The following are some ways to rid yourself of acne naturally so that you can enjoy having clear skin. Read on for some great tips from DealDash.

#1 – Reduce Stress

You should reduce the amount of stress in your life as much as possible. This alone  — Read full post

Cleaning and Organizing Fitness Health

DealDash Health: Get Healthy With Housework

DealDash cleans

Why not combine two chores into one? Here’s how you can get healthy while doing housework. Here are some ideas from DealDash.

While housework might not be people’s favorite thing to do it is actually a great way to start getting healthy. The following are some easy ways to sneak in some exercise while doing your daily household chores, from DealDash.

Bending is Exercise

Try to sneak in bending exercises wherever possible. For example, if you are picking up the laundry or a back of groceries work in a lunge or a squat. You will see some great results after  — Read full post