DealDash Helps Lifestyle

DealDash Presents the Benefits of Volunteering


Have a little extra time? Why not try volunteering? Here are some tips to get started, from DealDash.

Everyone needs a helping hand once in awhile. There are so many nonprofit organizations that need a lot of volunteers every year. You may not get paid to volunteer, but it is beneficial for your mental and physical health.  Giving a helping hand can make you feel good about yourself knowing that you can make a difference. Some people may be unsure if volunteering is right for them. Here are 3 benefits of volunteering, from DealDash.

1 – You Make Connections

A  — Read full post

DealDash Helps Lifestyle Uncategorized

DealDash Helps: Volunteering Made Easy


Have an urge to volunteer? Follow these easy tips from DealDash to get started.

Many people are interested in volunteering but aren’t exactly sure how to get started. Volunteering is a wonderful thing to do, it helps both your community and yourself at the same time. You always feel amazing after time spent helping others. Read on below for more information from DealDash.

Figure Out Where

Firstly, you’ll want to figure out where you want to volunteer. There are so many places right in your own community that would welcome your help. If you’re having trouble thinking of somewhere, here  — Read full post