Cooking Home

DealDash Prepares for Holiday Guests


It’s the time of year when many people get visitors. Here are some helpful hints from DealDash to prepare for holiday guests.

Christmas time is the perfect time to catch up with old friends and family that you have not seen in a while. The holidays are a time to invite your friends over and celebrate together. It can be stressful to prepare for family and friends to stay at your house for Christmas. Here are some tips to prepare for holiday guests:

Prepare a Guest Room with Help From DealDash

The most important part of entertaining guests for the  — Read full post

Home Lifestyle

Setting Up a Guest Room, DealDash Style


A guest bedroom is a good thing to have during the holidays. If you will be having some visitors this year you will want to read this article from DealDash on setting up a guest bedroom.

We all have our bedroom in our home, and many of us have kid’s bedrooms, offices, and craft rooms. However, a very important room to have in your home is the guest bedroom. If you don’t have an extra room in your home, no problem. If you have an office, craft room, playroom, or similar you can easily turn part of it into a  — Read full post


DealDash Tricks for Presents on a Budget


With holidays of all types coming up – Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Christmas, you will need to buy gifts. Here are some tricks from DealDash to get presents on a budget.

There are millions of dollars spent on holiday presents every year. Studies have shown that most people are in a financial bind after Christmas. It is okay to give your family and friends nice presents, but you don’t have to put a hole in your wallet. Sticking to a budget when buying presents will help you stay within your limit. You can still buy memorable gifts on a budget.  — Read full post

Crafts and Sewing Home Lifestyle

DealDash Prepares Christmas Decorations


Handmade Christmas ornaments are not only beautiful but also make great family heirlooms. Here are some suggestions from DealDash to help you with your decorating needs.

Christmas is the perfect time to use your creative juices. Decorating your home for Christmas can be a rewarding experience. You don’t always have to buy the most expensive decorations though. There are decorations that you can make from home. Not only is it fun to make homemade decorations, but it will also put you in the holiday spirit. Here are 3 easy homemade Christmas decorations that you can make to show off your  — Read full post


DealDash Helps Provide an Effective Study Area


If you’re in school, no matter if you’re a kid or an adult, you need an effective study area. DealDash can help you make one in your home. Read on for all of the details.

Since school is back in almost everywhere, adult students and parents of schoolchildren will need to make sure to help them keep up with their studies. You need to help provide them with an effective study environment. This is so that they will be able to keep up with their schoolwork. Here are some tips to accomplish this for your kids, or for yourself if  — Read full post